“Obamarule” Cannot and Must Not Stand!

“The rule of law that safeguards all Americans is what our brave men and women have fought and even died for and in one swift switchblade move, Obama has decided that he will decide nearly a million illegal criminals will not have to abide by federal and state law.”  Kevin Fobbs, “Obama’s despotism takes switchblade to U.S. Constitution.”

Independence Day will soon be upon the nation and the majority of Americans will be celebrating the many freedoms, and tremendous sacrifices our forefathers made to secure those cherished liberties.

In less than three and a half years, Obama has not only ransacked those freedoms with his deft Saul Alinsky socialist-minded approach to American democracy, but the president has used all the precision of a switchblade to cut into the very sinew of the American Constitution.

Think about this for a long hard moment.  This president has decided that his “Obamarule” is above the U.S. Congress.  He firmly believes that his “Obamarule” should be sheepishly followed by the U.S. Supreme Court.  President Obama believes that his “Obamarule” is far more legitimate than the U.S. Constitution because his rule dictates that whatever he feels is what the American public must adopt and must follow.

The fact that Obama would set parameters on what laws he feels like following and what laws he feels like throwing under the bus is not new to this president who acts like a despot.  Yes, that’s right despot, as in despotism!

Look it up.  Despotism is a form of government where an official, like Obama, feels that his form of government is correct and he “rules” it as one single entity that uses absolute power.  This rule or more concisely, “Obamarule” cannot and must not stand.  Congress has the authority to overrule this despotic maneuver by the Obama administration and Ohio’s John A. Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives, must take the cue from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and move immediately to begin congressional action to nullify this subversion of the Constitution.

The rule of law that safeguards all Americans is what our brave men and women have fought and died for on the field of battle, and in one swift switchblade move, Obama has decided that he will decide  nearly a million illegal criminals will not have to abide by federal and state law.  Obama pulls out of his despotic hat this “Rules for Radicals” maneuver of Alinsky  –  “you do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral garments,” telling the American public that it is alright to violate the Constitution and allow 800,000 plus illegal aliens to evade the law by imploring  –  “It’s the right thing to do!”

Obama practiced this same despotic action when he decided in February 2011 not to enforce the Defense of Marriage At (DOMA), passed in 1996, that barred the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage.  But the despotic Obama didn’t even stop there.  Last August 2011 the Obama administration also decided to violate federal law by not enforcing deportation laws against non-citizen (illegal) “spouses” of gay U.S. citizens.

Obamarule cares far more about the rules of Saul Alinsky’s social minded theocracy than the rule of the American Constitutional democracy.  Socialist Alinsky postulated that “the morality of means depends upon whether the means is being employed at a time of imminent defeat or imminent victory, i.e. Mitt Romney is pulling ahead in national polls, the economy is still in the proverbial recessionary-like toilet, and the White House is in full panic mode.

Americans and Congress must do the right thing, not just on election day, but right here and right now in all corners of this nation, and demand  Articles of Impeachment be drawn up in the Congress.  Request your state elected officials to adopt official resolutions to support Congressional action to set aside this flagrant display of egotistical hubris.

Independence Day in American 2012 must be more than just a celebration of what our country was able to accomplish.  It must be about what we are willing to stand up for, to protect and defend the Constitution for our nation’s future.

Now is the time and July 4th is the date to make our inherent freedoms clear and voices heard throughout this nation.  Independence Day 2012, breathe new life into our Constitution!


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