Senator Rand Paul Urges Gun Owners To Band Together

Right now, gun grabbers from around the world are in New York City to draft the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Speaking for the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton has already given her blessing to this global gun grab, calling for “consensus” in order to “avoid loopholes.”  My suspicion is that “loopholes” for Mrs. Clinton include our Second Amendment.

UN bureaucrats are working to “build consensus” and when they’re sure the treaty includes the demands of petty tyrants worldwide, I fear that Clinton and Obama will do everything in their power to force it through the US Senate sometime before the upcoming election.

The good news is that the National Association for Gun Rights has collected over 975,000 signed official Firearms Sovereignty Surveys against the UN Small Arms Treaty with tens of thousands of more pouring in each week!

But, if you haven’t yet signed, please go ahead and do so by clicking here.  It’s vital that your Senators feel pressure to oppose the UN Small Arms Treaty from grassroots gun rights activists like you.

Once you have signed your Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey against the UN Small Arms Treaty I would like to ask you to do our Second Amendment rights a small favor.

By forwarding this to your family land friends, you will be letting them know that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have their sights set on advancing, and passing, the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Click here to forward the Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey to your friends and family.  On the page I link to there is a space for a personal message.  Please make sure to add a short note so your friends know what the email is about.

This is an important step in growing the grassroots gun rights army opposed to the UN Small Arms Treaty.  I hope I can count on your action today.

Disguised as an “International Arms Control Treaty” to fight against “terrorism,” “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates,” the UN Small Arms Treaty is in fact a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.

I am helping lead the fight to defeat this radical treaty in the US Senate and I need your help.  Ultimately, the UN Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and confiscate firearms owned by private citizens like you.

So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps.  But looking at previous versions, you and I can get a good idea of what’s likely in the works.    If passed by the UN and ratified by the US Senate, the Treaty would almost certainly force the US to:

  • Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
  • Confiscate and Destroy All “unauthorized” civilian firearms;
  • Ban the trade, sale and private ownership of All semi-automatic weapons;
  • Create an International Gun Registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation.

I am sure I don’t have to tell you that this is not a fight we can afford to lose.

Ever since its founding 65 years ago, the UN has been hell-bent on bringing the US to its knees.  To the petty dictators and one-world socialist who control the UN,  America isn’t a “shining city on a hill”  —  it’s an affront to their grand design for the globe.

These anti-gun globalists know that so  long as Americans remain free to make our own decisions without being bossed around by big government bureaucrats, they’ll never be able to seize the worldwide power they crave.  And the UN’s apologists also know the most effective way to finally strip you and me of all our freedoms would be to destroy our gun rights.

You and I have to be prepared for this fight to move fast.  The fact is, the last thing the gun-grabbers at the UN and in Washington, D.C. want is for you and me to have time to mobilize gun owners to defeat this radical legislation.  They’ve made that mistake before and we’ve made them pay, defeating every attempt to ran the UN Small Arms Treaty into law since the mid 1990s.

But now, time may not be on our side.  In fact,we’re likely to only have a few weeks to defeat the treaty when they make their move.  And, we definitely don’t have a President in the White House who will oppose this treaty.

Our one and only chance to stop this treaty is during ratification process in the US Senate.  As you know, it takes 67 votes to ratify a treaty.  With new pro-gun champions joining me in the Senate, rounding up enough votes to kill this thing should be easy, right?

Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Even with the Republican tidal wave in 2010, there still isn’t a pro-gun majority in the Senate to kill ratification.  You know just as well as I do how few Senators are truly pro-gun.  Not only that, but many Senators get “queasy” about killing treaties for fear of “embarrassing” the President – especially with “international prestige”  at stake.

If we are going to defeat the UN Small Arms Treaty gun owners have to turn the heat up on the Senate NOW, before it’s too late!  Once again, if you have not signed the survey the National Association for Gun Rights has prepared for you, please do so now.

In addition, the National Association for Gun Rights are preparing a massive program to launch the second this treaty is brought before the Senate.  Direct mail.  Phones.  E-mails.  Guest editorials.  Press Conferences.  Hard-hitting Internet, newspaper, radio and even TV ads if funding permits.

Thank you in advance for your time and money devoted to defending our Second Amendment rights.

For Freedom,

U.S. Senator Rand Paul


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