At last, a Long Term Toxicity study of Roundup and genetically modified or genetically engineered corn has been released.   Scientists studied rats fed a diet of GM corn for two years to discover what many of us feared.   Roundup is dangerous.

Female rats died 2 to 3 times more rapidly when fed a diet of GM corn.  Female rats developed large mammary tumors with the pituitary gland the second most disabled; kidney damage and hormone imbalance.  Male rats also suffered kidney damage, liver congestion and necrosis 2 1/2 to 5 1/2 times higher.  Severe kidney nephropathies were generally 1.3 to 2.3 times greater.  They also presented large palpable tumors 4 times greater than those not fed GM corn.

Roundup is comprised mostly of isopropylamine salt of glyphosate.  Genetically engineered corn has been engineered to accept Roundup without killing the plant.  Since Roundup becomes part of the  corn,  humans are actually consuming Roundup every time you eat GM corn.

If you turn over a bottle of Roundup, you will see glyphosate listed but, what you don’t  see is a list of its inactive ingredients.  Researchers who tested the product’s active ingredient in combination with certain inert ingredients found that the combo makes this week killer much more toxic than previously disclosed.  And, even the listed ingredients may be more toxic than previously thought.    More and more studies by medical and agricultural specialists are showing the subtle, low-level impact that Roundup’s main ingredient, glyphosate has on wildlife, soil life and people.

Researchers testing four combinations of Roundup on cultured human cells found that one inert ingredient, POEA, significantly boosted the toxic effects of the main ingredient, glyphosate.  The combination of the two killed or damaged many more of the cells than glyphosate alone.

In the U.S. farmers and homeowners use an estimated 100 million pounds of Roundup a year.  Weeds are becoming resistant to it so farmers are forced to apply even more of it.  Between 1994 and 205 the use of glyphosate increased 1,500 percent.

A 2002 scientific research paper published in Chemical Research in Toxicology “Pesticide Roundup Provokes Cell Division Dysfunction” found that consumption of Roundup induces a delay in the kinetic of the first cell embryos – something that could prove destructive in humans.

In 2005, a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives found  Roundup to be toxic to placental cells at concentrations lower than that actually used in agriculture.

A 2009 study by two French researchers at the University of Caen discovered that Roundup causes cell death  and premature death (necrosis) in human umbilical, embryonic and placental cells.  They concluded that “. . .the proprietary mixtures available on the market could cause cell damage and even death. . .especially in food and feed derived from [Roundup] formulation treated crops.”

In May 2009, a group of environmental lawyers in Argentina filed a petition to ban glyphosate after a study linked it to embryonic mutations affecting the nervous system and skeletal development in amphibians.  Government funded research out of Argentina also found higher than normal rates of birth defects and cancer rates in people in areas with glyphosate fumigation.

Regardless of the studies done on the effects of GM modified foods, the USDA has given Monsanto’s new GM crops a “fast track to approval” meaning that any serious scientific studies about the potential health effects will never happen.  6 New GM crops may soon hit your dinner table.

Dow 2,4D and Glufosinate Tolerant Soybeans – Soybeans are now engineered to be resistant to 2,4D,  a pesticide introduced in 1948 which made up half of the formula for Agent Orange.  Beyond Pesticides points to both epidemiological and lab based evidence linking 2,4D to both epidemiological lymphoma and other cancers.  2,4D is also an endocrine disruptor meaning it can interfere with the body’s hormone messaging system.  It can also act as a mutagen, meaning it induces genetic mutations.  Workers who apply 2,4D had a higher rate of white blood cells with multiple nuclei.  Rabbits expose to 2,4D showed an  unusual numbers of chromosomes in their brain cells.

Syngenta Corn Rootworm Resistant Corn.  Many nations have banned Syngenta’s GM crops, but not the US.  This type of corn produces its own pesticides and kills all bugs – good or bad.   Syngenta has already been criminally charged for denying knowledge that its GM Bt corn kills livestock.  Research says that 80% of pregnant women have Bt toxins already in their blood. Bt aka Bacillus thuringiensis kills human kidney cells.

Okanagan Non-Browning Apples.  This is a definitely not needed product for consumers.  Growers and sellers will love it because it doesn’t turn brown and can boost their pocket books but consumers have managed to eat apples the way God created them for a long time.     While the process only involves one gene, that gene could affect a multitude of other genes and with unknown gene changes, comes unknown consequences.

Monsanto Dicamba Tolerant Soybean.  Dicamba is similar in structure to 2,4 D.  It is highly soluble in water which carries a risk of groundwater contamination.  It is volatile and can drift for miles.  It is moderately toxic by ingestion but highly toxic by inhalation or dermal exposure.  Dicamba can cause vomiting, muscle weakness, slowed heart rate, incontinence, bluing of the gums and skin.  It is also corrosive and cause permanent damage to the eyes.  The EPA has established  Lifetime Health Advisory levels of no more than 200 micrograms per liter of water.  Consumption at higher levels can include changes in the liver.  It is suspected of being a human teratogen meaning it is suspected of causing birth defects and can also cause abnormal physical and mental development in children.

Dow, 2,4 D, Dlyphosate and Glufosinate Tolerant Soybean.   There are no human studies on the effects of Dlyphosae (phosphinothricin) or Glufosinate.  The World Health Organization classified Glufosinate as slightly hazardous.  It is a suspected Endocrine disruptor.  Studies in animals show it to interfere with gestation before and at the stage when conceptus implants into the uterus.

Genective Glyphosate Tolerant Corn Glyphosate has an effect of reducing manganese which keeps plants from developing disease.  There are 4 primary soil fungi that become more active with the use of glyphosate, fungi that can enter our food chain.  Glyphosate also can immobilize plant nutrients so they are no longer nutritionally functional.

As long as our government is in the pockets of Monsanto and other powerful chemical companies, we can expect this process to continue.  EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK!


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