Whatever Feels Good Is The New Norm

000Hold on tight folks – common sense no longer holds sway in America –  Gender selection is fast becoming the new “legal right.”

Some on the far left fringes of normal are proposing the adoption of a “gender spectrum” whereby you can be whatever sex you want, whenever it suits your mood – a “spectrum where gender is not defined by anatomy but where biology, psychology, gender expression, and gender identity intersect to form a multidimensional array of possibilities.”

But how can that be good for either the individual or society when such foundational characteristics of human identity is relegated to choice, no matter how sincere the conviction?

The recently conferred legal right of a sixth grade Colorado boy to use the girl’s bathroom because he “believes” he is a girl is just one example. In California, statewide legislation is being considered that would force all sex-segregated school programs and activities to allow access for those confused by their gender spectrum.  And we’re not just talking sports – this would allow boys in the girl’s bathrooms, as well as  boys and girls showering together in the locker rooms.  No one see a problem with that?

Once gender attributes are relegated to being a choice, whether feminine or masculine or some combination, or some area in-between, there is no longer any natural and obvious association with one’s biologic, genetic and mental makeup.  Since self-perception is the criteria, not the universal standard built into our design, on what basis will other identity realities be deemed irrational?

Once clear and beneficial truths are treated with contempt or rejected as being “old school,” any criteria for judging aberrant or deviant behavior will no longer exist.

Source:  Gender confusion and the Death of Common Sense by Frank Kacer, Washington Times Community

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