It’s About Money not Justice

Auburn, Alabama is home to sprawling plains, Auburn University, and a troubling police force. After the arrival of a new police chief in 2010, the department entered an era of ticket quotas and worse.

Sadly, this is happening across America. Those who are in a position of power; county, city and state officials seems to believe  it’s okay to place more burdens on the citizens; which I add, these officials work for.

As long as they don’t have to take a cut in pay, or aren’t denied a pay-raise or WANT better equipment, they think it’s okay to entrap or make up rules, regulations and fudge on the laws just for the sake of collecting more money for their coffers.

The fact that citizens are struggling in todays economy matters not to them. It’s all about what they want that’s important. And what do they want? Your money.

When Obama was elected he began raising taxes on everything, by-passed Congress and ignored the Constitution. I’m assuming these local officials thought it okay to follow his example; which they are doing in record numbers.

If these politicians and officials are competing for the title SOB, I have news for them. The competition is closed. They all win. 

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