9/11 Doesn’t Add Up


Freedomoutpost – Do you believe that you know precisely what happened on 9/11/2001?  Are you absolutely certain that you know the truth?  If so, what you are about to see might shake you up quite a bit. 

The events that happened 12 years ago on this day shocked the world and will certainly never be forgotten.  Thousands of innocent people died needlessly, and that day fundamentally changed the course of history.  But what if it could be proven that the “official story” that the government has been telling us about 9/11 is a lie?

More than 2,000 architects and engineers are supporting a massive worldwide advertising campaign entitled ReThink911.  You can find the official website right here.  According to these architects and engineers, the government’s version of what happened on 9/11/2001 is absolutely impossible.

Even though Americans have been hearing about 9/11 endlessly for the past 12 years, nearly half of them still don’t know that a third building fell on that day. 

A 47-story building named “Building 7″ collapsed perfectly into its own footprint at freefall speed, but no plane ever hit it. So why did it fall? The following is the official ReThink911 video about Building 7…

But for many Americans, the implications of accepting that reality would just be too painful to accept.  It would mean that someone wired those buildings for controlled demolition ahead of time, and for many very patriotic Americans such a notion is absolutely unthinkable.

However, we owe it to future generations of Americans to put our emotions aside and to search out the truth.  Whoever was responsible for the events of 9/11 needs to be brought to justice, no matter who they might be.

Wasn’t al-Qaeda supposed to be behind 9/11?  Wasn’t that the reason why we have been chasing them around the Middle East for over a decade?

Well, these days the U.S. government is actually allied with al-Qaeda.  The Obama administration has been supplying Syrian rebel groups that are openly affiliated with al-Qaeda with weapons and supplies even though they are slaughtering Christians, using chemical weapons and dismembering little girls.

12 years after 9/11, the U.S. government is allied with the very forces that supposedly conducted the terror attacks in the first place.

Something does not add up here.

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