GOP Source Says Mitch McConnell a Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

The Blaze – Glenn Beck released the name of a GOP senator who, in a recent closed door meeting of the Senate Republicans, proved himself to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing when he insinuated supporters of FreedomWorks or the Senate Conservatives Fund (i.e. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), and other Tea Party members) are traitors.

That camouflaged Wolf was named R-KY Senator Mitch McConnell.

TheBlaze reached out to Sen. McConnell’s office for a comment on this story. A spokesperson responded: “The anonymous claim is false. He neither said nor insinuated that.”

“There was a meeting that happened last week where the GOP senators were called in. There were no aides. There were no staff members. This was just senators,” Glenn said.

“Well, yesterday, as we’re going through all of this, somebody in my office gets a phone call from a guy who is not on our usual list of friends. A guy who, if I gave you this name, you would say, ‘Well, he’s not on our side.’ He’s not like John McCain, but he’s not necessarily somebody you think of as on your side. This guy is just disgusted by what happened and is one of those guys who was sitting in this meeting not saying anything but watching everybody and realizing… I think my friends are not friends of the republic, not friends of freedom of speech.”

So what prompted the tongue lashing?

“[The source] said [Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz] were dressed down in a meeting and torn apart and humiliated. Let me give you the specific name and what was said now by one senator. And there were two that were the ringleaders, so far I only have the name of one.

But I believe I will have the name of the other hopefully by the end of the day,” Glenn explained.

“Here is what happened. As they are all standing in there, they are told in not so many words that they are on the wrong side, that these people have been here for a very long time and you new senators come in and you think you know it all. And if anyone is working with the Senate Conservatives Fund or Freedom Works, you’re a traitor.”

It is the sworn duty of the elected politician to vote the constitution. If what McConnell said is true, (and I believe it is), then he is as corrupt  as John McCain and several others. 

For freedom to stand we have to remove these RHNO’s and Liberal Socialist from office immediately if not sooner.

Think FREEDOM the next time you cast a vote, and NOT what is offered  AS free.

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