Playing God With Fake Science

01Every few years the United Nation’s global warming scientists lay out their “latest faked climate  science” in laymans terms so that policy makers around the world can use it to scam their citizens.   The 2013 report consolidated the typical chicken-little scare that mankind is 95% responsible for rising temperatures, oceans are rising faster than predicted, ice is melting faster and it is “very likely” that extreme weather will soon strike more regularly.

If there is one thing you can count on from the U.N. it’s their yearly  ‘we face a disastrous rise in sea levels,’ to justify that the world must spend billions and trillions to combate global warming.  

Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner,  former chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change, who for 35  years has been using  every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, says  that “all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story.  Despite fluctuations, it hasn’t risen in 50 years.  And, if there is any rise this century, it will not be more than 10cm (4 inches).”

The ice mass is not melting according to Meteorologist Anthony Watts who said in 2012 that data showed that the ice mass was accumulating on the Antartic continent as well as in the oceans surrounding Antartica, in direct contradiction to  assertions by global warming alarmists that the expanding Antarctic sea ice was coming at the expense of a decine in Antarctic continental ice.

Even global warming believer Gavin Schmidt of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies says that general  statements about weather extremes caused by global warming are almost nowhere to be found except in the general media. “It’s this popular perception that global warming means all extremes have to increase all the time, even though if anyone thinks about that for 10 seconds they realize that’s nonsense.”

Not a single decade during past 50 years witnessed an above-average number of major hurricanes.  In 2011, a new study found that “overall global tropical cyclone activity has decreased to historically low levels during the past five years.”   Scientists were also loud and clear in rejecting the climate change link  to the big super storm Sandy that hit the East Coast in October 2012. Hurricane expert Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. explained: “Sandy was terrible, but we’re currently in a relative hurricane ‘drought.’” He added: “Connecting energy policy and disasters makes little scientific sense.”

When taken as a whole, global temperature variability has been nearly constant over the last 50 years, according to Chris Huntingford, lead author of the study and a climate modeler at the U.K. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, part of Britain’s government-funded Natural Environment Research Council.  The earths previous cycles of warming had nothing to do with humans either.   There was warming before the Industrial Revolution introduced the use of coal, oil,  gas to provide the energy that has marked the development and use of technologies that have improved human life in countless ways.  Today, the global warming scam is blamed on CO2 emissions and other so-called greenhouse gases, the most  prominent of which is nothing more than water vapor. 

So why is the UN, Obama, Big Al and other far-left activists still pushing one of the biggest frauds to be perpetrated upon the world?  There is money to be made in fake science!

A recent article by Ron Arnold  of the Washington Examiner  noted that over the past decade environmental organizations received 345,052 foundation grants totaling over $20 billion, largely from a 200 plus member Environmental Grantmakers Association and the smaller left tilting  National Network of Grantmakers.  “Today, foundations are the backbone of Big Green.”

The latest scam the U.N. is pushing is geoengineering, a technological manipulation of the climate, stuff of Hollywood disaster movies.  Researchers are now suggesting that we should send a giant glass sunshade into space to reflect light; the eruption of artifical volcanoes;  spraying sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere; dissolving mountains and putting the remains in the sea; and least dramatically, filling the ocean with iron fillings to stimulate algae blooms.  Just think of how much money these research projects will generate for those backing geoengineering, like Bill Gates.

It is certain that these geoenginnering schemes would guarantee unintended consquences such as crop failures, acid rain, droughts and ozone destruction.   In sum, geoengineering options  amount to “picking your poison.”

Peter Ferrara at Forbes says that:  The theory of man-caused, catastrophic, global warming is embraced not because of any “science,” (that sham is for the “useful idiots,”), but because it is a justification for a government takeover of the energy industry, with massive increases in regulation, taxes and government spending.  The United Nations loves it because it inspires fantasies of the UN growing up to be a world government, with real government powers of global taxation, spending and regulation, all “to save the planet.”  Scientists who go along with the cause are rewarded not only with praise for their worthy social conscience, but also with altogether billions in hard, cold cash (government and environmental grants), for their cooperation in helping to play the “useful idiots.”


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