Month: March 2014

Atheist Maher Makes Fun of God and the Bible

By Oliver Darcy Late night comedian Bill Maher expressed disbelief Friday that 60 percent of Americans are “stupid” enough to believe the tale of Noah’s ark is literally true and questioned why individuals worship God, who he described as a…

White Voters Abandon Obama In Droves

Prognosticator Wayne Allyn Root is betting that outside of lifelong Democrats and welfare recipients, President Barack Obama’s ratings are in the unimaginable range of single digits. Root says that means Obama has lost the support of the white middle class,…

Don’t Drink That Tap Water!!

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai released a study in Harvard’s The Lancel showing that along with environmental toxins, fluoridated water is adding to the higher  incident of both…

Muslims Demand For Pedophilia To Be Legalized

By Theodore Shoebat The top religious authorities of Pakistan, called The Council of Islamic Ideology, have deemed the prohibition of child marriage, which is really pedophilia, as contrary to Islam. They attacked Pakistan’s Prohibition of Child Marriages Act as something…

Obamacare’s War on Seniors

The President’s health care law raids $700 billion from Medicare, with more than $300 billion of that being taken from Medicare Advantage. Seniors across the country are already feeling the effects of these cuts with up to $2,000 in increased…

Obama Threatens Governors

Was Obama crowned King without our knowledge? In a meeting at the White House between Obama and several Republican and Democrtic governors in late February, Obama said:  “I do not trust you to make decisions in your state about issues…

ObamaCare: A Marxist Dream

Go figure, unions want Obama to tweak  his Unaffordable Care Act yet  once again.    After touting how wonderful ObamaCare could be with a “few” minor tweaks,   they  had to admit that  there are some problems for the lonely nonunionized workers.  Read The Irony…

AR-15 Raffled by NY Pastor

Hats off to a gutsy Baptist pastor in upstate New York, whose church is raffling off an AR-15 rifle to make a statement about liberty: The Rev. John Koletas of the Grace Baptist Church in Troy said the service and…