Chain of Obedience

The death squads and concentration camps of history were never staffed by rebels and dissidents. They were were run by those who followed the rules.

We’ve all heard of the chain of command. Usually people think of the term in the context of the military, corporate and government power structures, but in reality, all of modern society is implicated.

The chain of command sounds powerful, and it imbues the officers, bureaucrats, and petty dictators of the world with a sense importance and rank.

But the term is deceptive, and hiding behind it is an open secret, hiding in plain sight.

Power does not flow from the person who administers orders. A command is inconsequential if it is ignored or laughed at. Obedience is the real foundation of misplaced power. It is in fact the chain of obedience… not the chain of command… the cumulative force of a cowardly and compliant citizenry which allows evil men to take control.


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