Month: April 2014

Who Owns America?

Does the U.S. Constitution make provision for the federal government’s right to take, possess, own, or control public land?  Currently, the federal government “owns” approximately 30% of the United States territory, the majority of which is out west. At issue…

Hillary Clinton Is Radioactive

Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Hillary Clinton just lost $6 billion of your taxpayer money. Six billion dollars! That’s billion with a “B.” Six billion dollars is “unaccounted for” under her management at the State Department. More on that later.…

Disarming the Warriors

We are defanging our military. What’s more, is that we are taking away their basic human rights to defend themselves, their Second Amendment rights to bear arms in their own self-defense, while asking them to volunteer to defend us. Moreover,…

Nathan Isaiah: The Value of Life

The most stunning witness of life  –  “His little body was so perfect, with ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. He had a nose, a mouth, two little eyes and ears. He was so perfectly formed. No one can…

Cowboys and Snipers

Look what Obama’s done to our country! What it’s all about at the Bundy ranch…….Can you say Communism? And here’s the truth behind the scam HARRY REID’S SON REPRESENTING CHINESE SOLAR PANEL PLANT IN $5 BILLION NEVADA DEAL The son…


What if the “green” movement isn’t saving the earth, but instead is enslaving humanity? Blue will change the anti-human, anti-freedom, anti-science radical GREEN direction we’ve been heading. One of the most prominent idea of our time today is the Green…

Obama Budget Lays Groundwork

Gun Owners of America Last Friday, Attorney General Eric Holder testified before a House appropriations subcommittee on behalf of his department’s proposed budget for FY2015. Apparently, Holder didn’t think anyone would read his written submission, because he all-but-admitted that Obama…