Cut and Run Foreign Policy

iraq“Why would anyone trust a government that condoned torture, spied on at least 35 world leaders, supports indefinite detention, places bugs in thousands of computers sold all over the world, kills innocent people with drones, promotes the post office to log mail for law enforcement agents and arbitrarily authorizes targeted assassinations? Or for that matter, a president that instituted The Insider Threat program designed to get government employees to spy on each other and turn themselves and others in for failing to report breaches which include any unauthorized disclosure of anything, not just classified materials.” Professor Henry Giroux

Professor Giroux has a point. Far from Obama’s delusions, terrorism did not die with bin-Laden. And thanks to Obama’s meddling in the Middle East, terrorist groups control more territory than ever and they still want to destroy America.

What happens if ISIS, an off-shoot of al-Qaeda, takes Baghdad or succeeds in holding on to Mosul and Nineveh? What happens if they defeat the Kurds in the northern oil rich area of Iraq? What happens when Iran jumps into the conflict? They’ve already promised to send troops to help Iraq’s government with the approval of Kerry and Obama. Is Iraq now to become ground zero for a bloody Sunni-Shiite civil war?

When did the enemy of our enemy become our friend? Iran has poked fun at America’s lack of resolve, snickered at Obama, Hillary, and John Kerry’s attempts to forge a deal to halt their nuclear program and still, Obama is willing to let them into Iraq. Their Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, recently reiterated Iran’s wish to destroy America and there is little doubt that the end result of their presence in Iraq will do nothing but add fuel to the fire.

The hatred between the Shiite and the Sunni is one of the world’s oldest conflicts.   The Sunni dominated Iraq from the Ottoman Empire until the U.S. invasion toppled Hussein in 2003 and they want it back. A large majority of the world’s Muslims are Sunni. The Shiite, a minority in Iraq, are concentrated in Iran, and southern Lebanon with minority communities in Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf states, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

As the revered leader of ISIS, Abu Bajr al Baghdadi has no love for the West or Israel and like most Sunni Muslims he regards the Shiite as his enemy as is evident by the mass murder of Iraqi civilians. If ISIS is successful in taking over Iraq and Syria, Iran will more than likely protect its Shiite interests in the area and then other Sunni countries like Saudi Arabia will respond, the results of which for the global economy, oil exports, and military stability could be disastrous. Christians in the area, considered enemies of both the Shiite and Sunnis, will be slaughtered in record numbers.

Baghdadi, once a prisoner at Camp Bucca in Iraq for kidnapping entire families and publicly executing them, gained his freedom when Obama closed the Camp in 2009. He fled to Syria where he recruited jihadists from prisons and universities and began to build his power base by seizing territory from other rebel groups with an end game of creating a Sunni controlled Middle East, and the destruction of the U.S. and Israel as dessert.

Already the conflict is spreading. Jordan has already begun to strengthen troop deployment on their border with Iraq and has seen several clashes on their border with Syria with suspected terrorists. The Jordan Times reports that ISIS has formed a clandestine branch in Jordan in preparation for a takeover.

Obama explains his cut and run policy by saying the U.S. can’t go around the world playing whack-a-mole. According to Retired Marine Colonel Andy Weddington there would be no moles to whack if Obama weren’t an enabler of terrorism. ISIS would never have gotten a foothold in Syria if the US and NATO hadn’t intervened to oust Assad by funding and arming rebel groups. While Obama claims to only be arming “moderate” [?] rebels, the leadership of the Free Syrian Army has openly stated that they regularly carry out joint operations with al-Qaeda and their affiliates.

In five years, Obama has managed to destabilize two continents by funding and arming our enemies while compromising and ignoring our allies.   The establishment of terrorist safe havens across a large swath of the Muslim world is a strategic threat to our security, which Obama continues to diminish with empty threats, imaginary red lines, and his cut and run foreign policy.

Is there an end game to this madness? Does Obama hate America that much? One has to wonder if the mess in the Middle East was designed to bring about the world government that the United Nations and the world’s elite have been talking about for the last forty years.

“If history teaches anything, it teaches that simple-minded appeasement or wishful thinking about our adversaries is folly.  It means the betrayal of our past, and the squandering of our freedom.”  Ronald Reagan

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