Month: September 2014

Pabst Blue Ribbon now Belongs to Russians

Say goodbye to Pabst Blue Ribbon’s status as our nation’s most iconic cheap beer. For the past 170 years, Pabst Blue Ribbon has been a staple in the diets of American college students, starving artists, and broke drunks. And it’s…

Neutering American Workers

If you really think Obama and the amnesty crowd are genuinely concerned with the plight of illegal aliens, it is time to call Otis, – your elevator is stuck in the basement. Seven American tech companies spent $13.8 million during…

Let __________ Do It!

The southern border is collapsing. Ebola is spreading. Russia is on the rise. U.S. infrastructure is crumbling. The electrical grid is in jeopardy. Can the republic suffer another year of the Obama Administration without help?

And It Only Took 24 Years!

The USS Reagan, 1,092 feet long, nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall, has a  flight deck covering 4.5 acres.  With a top speed that exceeds 30 knots, powered by two nuclear reactors that can operate for more than…

Conservatives Can Smell Liberals

Not only do conservatives work harder, feel happier, have closer families, take fewer drugs, give more generously, value honesty more, are less materialistic and envious, whine less and even hug their children more than liberals – they also smell better, too! Well,…

Eliminate ATF, Legislation Introduced

Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner has introduced legislation to eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a federal law enforcement agency with 5000 employees. If passed, the legislation would dissolve the duties of ATF to the FBI and DEA.…

The Killer Coolant?

In 1978 Jimmy Carter’s EPA began banning the use of Freon because of alleged damage to the ozone layer, in favor of HFC-134a coolants that would help save the world. But as we’ve recently found out, the only world the…


Judge Richard Posner, a federal judge with the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, recently become a hero to the pro-”gay marriage” left when, by way of a “legal analysis” free from the troublesome constraints of logic, case precedent, biology, tradition…