Month: February 2016

Events In 3 Months Time

This video depicts some of the major events that have transpired over the last couple of months of 2015 up until JANUARY 2016. We are witnessing the prophetic fulfilment of God’s word rapidly taking place in our modern era. All has…

America: Glutton for Punishment

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” –President Franklin D. Roosevelt Outside of the fact that a good portion of Americans believe that The Clintons operate outside and above American…

ISIS Looking Like Western Christians

ISIS is encouraging its followers and supporters to employ a wide variety of ‘disguise and pretense’ tactics in order to facilitate terrorism through infiltration on the western world. In other words, they want to look, act, dress, and even smell like…

Proposed Gas Tax

  By proposing a $10 per barrel tax on every barrel of oil produced in the U.S., Obama wants to add a 25 cent gas tax on every gallon of gas you purchase at the pump. He wants to use…

The Bureau of Womanhood Conformity

The real war on women is the one being waged against women of faith and conscience.   Obama, his allies in Congress and the abortion lobby must end the assault on life, conscience and religious liberties now. Thinking for yourself and…

‘Going Dark’ Gets Harder Everyday

The FBI and federal intelligence agencies are leading the charge for backdoor access into encrypted communications to “make America safe”. They claim they can’t effectively defeat terrorism without this ability. What a crock!  And It’s not just the bureaucrats, several…

How Stupid Are You!?!

With nothing more than a clipboard, Mark Dice strolls down the Pacific Beach Boardwalk in San Diego approaching random people and with no explanation starts asking for a list of personal information including their name, address, birth date, where they…

Mad Science Produces Chimeras

“The specter of an intelligent mouse stuck in a laboratory somewhere screaming “I want to get out” would be very troubling to people.” Great Britain has nothing on us with their Chimeras, Cybrids and Hybrids!  Based on interviews with three research…