Great American Betrayal Called the “McCain Institute”

No wonder the longtime senator is so upset over President Trump’s “America-First” agenda.

Senator John McCain has been living large off of a globalist, “America-Second” platform for a very long time.

Check out this information on his very Clintonesque McCain Institute:

A staff of some eighty people, with repeated financial ties to the Middle East (including million-dollar donations from the House of Saud) the Rothschild Dynasty, Michael Bloomberg, etc.

One of the primary sources of the “McCain Institute” is the pile of cash left over from the losing McCain 2008 campaign. One was funneled into the other.

And with all those millions of dollars raised, and that staff of eighty working hard to do good for the institute’s alleged primary cause  that is said to be the fight against human trafficking, how much has the institute actually donated to said cause?


Yup. That’s it – the very same take in millions and then donate a  small percentage platform, that has made Bill and Hillary Clinton so very-very rich via their own Clinton Foundation money scheme. McCain is doing the exact same thing. (which might explain why he has long been so silent regarding calls to investigate the Clinton Foundation. Such an investigation would inevitably lead to himself and others among the political elite who are doing similar schemes.)

McCain, like so many other longtime D.C. politicians, leverages his influence for big dollars and then hides that effort behind a do-gooder cause called the McCain Institute. A figure like Donald Trump, who is openly calling out the very foreign interests who are funding Mr. McCain (and others) is a direct threat to that too-long D.C. status quo.

John McCain is no American hero. Whatever service he once provided to the nation was long ago overshadowed by his quest for yet more influence, standing, money, and power too often at the expense of the America people – namely the American Middle Class.


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