GMOs: Genetic Roulette

0001Genetic roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives was winner of the top Transformational Film in 2012 and 2012 movie of the year by Solari Report.  The film featured testimony from health care practitioners, scientists, veterinarians, parents, etc. concerning the health risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food.  Unfortunately, the government prefers a deaf ear to consumer’s concerns.

Genetically engineered organisms are created by taking one or more genes from one species and forcing it into the DNA of another species. Oftentimes, the gene is “piggy-backed” on a virus, or part of a virus, in order to activate the gene.  Examples include inserting spider genes into goats to produce goat’s milk that contain spider web proteins used to make bulletproof vests.  Cow genes have been inserted into pigs in order to produce pigs with cowhides. Human genes have been inserted into corn to produce a spermicide.

When it comes to GMOs in our food supply, there are two main categories:

Herbicide-tolerant crops, are designed to withstand otherwise lethal doses of chemicals like Roundup.  In June of 2013, groundbreaking research was published  heavily suggesting that Roundup, a glyphosate, may actually be the most important factor in the development of a wide range of chronic diseases. the second category are Pesticide producing crops that are designed to produce a toxic protein inside the plant which kills bugs that eat it by causing their stomachs to rupture.  These are the so-called Bt crops.

Contrary to popular belief, the process of genetic engineering is anything but precise.   Dr. Robin Bernholt says, “it’s sub-microscopic shooting from the hip.”   Genetic engineering creates unpredictable side effects.   Remember Daisy, a cloned dairy cow that was genetically engineered to produce milk without beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), a common cause of milk allergy?  While the genetic modification did reduce levels of BLG in the milk, it more than doubled concentrations of caseins which are really hard to digest milk proteins  linked to allergies and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Since the introduction of GMO plants,  the United States has witnessed a dramatic rise in chronic illnesses that simply were not part of the norm some 30-50 years ago.  Life expectancy has decreased and infant mortality has increased. So what’s changed? Why are so many more Americans getting sick today—and at an earlier age—than ever before?  One of the most radical changes that has occurred in the past 20 years is the genetic engineering of our food supply.

Genetically engineered soy and corn were introduced into the American diet in 1996. As stated by Ashley Koff in the film listed above, “We have gone from food in its whole food form, to food undergoing a scientific experiment.”   One unintended side effect of this experiment is the creation of foreign and highly allergenic proteins.

To quote soil scientist and physician Dr. Arden Anderson: “From a biophysics perspective,  when we look at the signature now of that entire gene sequence, it’s foreign; it does not exist anywhere in nature. And therefore your immune system, which is truly a grand electromagnetic sensor system, looks at that gene sequence that is supposed to be food, whether it is soy or corn or whatever it might be. .. and says ‘I’ve never seen that sequence ever, it doesn’t exist in nature, it’s foreign.’ [So] it attacks. It creates an inflammatory reaction and attacks that sequence.”

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has done a number of animal-feeding studies on GMOs, specifically enumerating the particular categories of diseases and disorders found in these controlled environments.   These include: Gastrointestinal problems, Immune problems, Reproductive problems, Organ damage, Dysfunction and dyregulation of cholesterol and insulin.

Kidney problems, for example, have been demonstrated in at least 19 different animal feeding studies and not surprisingly,  kidney diseases are also on the rise among Americans.   According to Smith when you look at the medical problems suffered by lab animals fed with GMS, you are actually looking at the human diseases that are now taking-off in the US.

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s broad-spectrum herbicide,  used on both genetically engineered crops and many conventional crops, is prevalent in GMO crops,  especially in so-called Roundup Ready crops.   In one nutritional analysis, GMO corn  was found to contain 13 ppm of glyphosate, compared to zero in non-GMO corn.  At 13 ppm, GMO corn contains more than 18 times the “safe” level of glyphosate set by the EPA.

The government is protecting biotech companies by assuring the general population that these food products are safe.  However, some 44,000 pages of secret internal memos and other documents obtained  by a 1998 lawsuit proves that the FDA lied about the safety of GMO, from the very beginning.

Steven Druker, an attorney and executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity who coordinated the lawsuit against the FDA to obtain mandatory safety testing and labeling of gene-spliced  foods states that “as I combed through those 44,000 pages I was shocked.  It became clear that the FDA had lied repeatedly since 1992; they claimed that there was an overwhelming consensus within the scientific community that these foods were safe.  But the overwhelming consensus within their own scientific staff was exactly opposite.  These foods could not be presumed safe.  What Monsanto and other biotech firms  wanted from the FDA was a policy that created the illusion that genetically engineered foods were being diligently regulated but, in fact, impose no burdens at all; a policy that in fact had zero regulation.  And the FDA has pulled that off masterly.”

If GMO food crops are so safe, as yourself, why does Monsanto not serve them in their own company cafeteria?  Why did Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama demand organic only for the White House?

Protect yourself and your family.  Avoid foods that contain soy, corn, cottonseed and alfalfa, the most common GMO crops.  Also avoid Hawaiian papaya, sugar from beets, some varieties of zucchini and crookneck squash.  You can also add to the list the latest GMO apple crop.   The best way to avoid GMO food crops is to buy only those products that are USDA certified organic.

You can download a copy of the Non-GMO Shopping Guide Brochure at this link.   It is up to you to protect your family.

Source: for the full story.


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