ANTIFA Rioters Receives $800,000 from Hillary


Didn’t I tell you? Those black-masked thugs of Antifa, who torch buildings, overturn cars, and beat

people up, who riot to shut down towns and college campuses–the Democrat Party owns them. In fact,

the Democrats fund them.

And Hillary Clinton, presidential wannabe, seems to have dumped a cool $800,000 into Antifa’s coffers, according to filings of the Federal Elections Commission 

Madame Hillary has taken $800 G’s out of her presidential campaign money and funneled it into several Far Left groups closely tied to Antifa, through her Super PAC, “Onward Together.” Don’t you love that name?

Antifa, by the way, is classed by the Dept. of Homeland Security as “a domestic terrorist organization.” And as Hillary says, in a message to her PAC’s donors, “We’re working behind the scene…” Boy, is she ever!

What I want to know is why Hillary–and other Democrat money-movers who doubtless do the same–isn’t held responsible for the personal and property damage wreaked by Antifa. Surely there must be some kind of law against contributing money to a domestic terrorist organization?

Sure, we know that Clinton’s always get away with everything and are never, ever held accountable: it’s one of the perks of being big-name Democrats.

But why isn’t she being sued by persons, businesses, and communities damaged by Antifa? Why isn’t she in jail?

If this isn’t sedition, I don’t know what is.

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