Objective Truth is Absolute in Nature

god1Truth is best defined as that which corresponds with reality, the way things are. In other words, reality just is and we can evaluate statements or truth claims based on whether or not they correspond to reality.  Reality is objective, independent of human preference and desire.  Therefore, objective truth is absolute in nature, at all times, and in all places, regardless of the number of people who believe it or accept it.

There seems to be a popular notion that all religions are the same foundationally and their differences are only superficial;  that all religions are different expressions of the same truth and all lead to God somehow.  From a purely rational perspective, nothing could be further from the truth.

A systematic evaluation of the truth claims of every religion that has ever existed would be a herculean task that would take years and result in volumes of information.  However, we can still make a rational, reasonable, evaluation of Christianity’s claim and highlight the truthfulness thereof in comparison with specific conflicting positions of other religions.

The five major religions – Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity are different in their teachings on God, Christ, the nature of man, sin, salvation, heaven, hell, faith, etc.  Buddhism has no god while Hinduism has many gods, while Judaism, Islam and Christianity have only one God.  According to the law of Non-Contradiction, contradictory propositions cannot all be true in the same sense and at the same time so either there is a God or there isn’t a God.  Buddhism and Christianity cannot both be true about this foundational claim.

To assume a rational argument for God’s existence we must assume that every design implies a designer. The universe has a great design so we must conclude that the universe has a great designer.  This logical syllogism is called a Modus Ponens argument and is deductive in nature.  It establishes God’s existence and serves to lift Christianity as truth.

Abductive reasoning used in modern science is useful for explaining phenomena that happened in the past  that is unrepeatable and unobservable.  This method is an inductive approach that reasons back from the effect to the cause in search of the best possible explanation.  An inductive approach will not yield absolute proof but rather proof to a level of probability.

In much the same way we can observe the universe in which we live and make reasonable abductive arguments for the best possible causes.  Since nobody was there to observe the beginning, it is the only logical approach to such a task.   Example:

  1. Time had a beginning therefore cause must exist beyond the limitations of time (eternal).
  2. Matter had a beginning therefore cause must exist beyond the limitations of matter (Immaterial).
  3. Space had a beginning therefore cause must exist beyond the limitation of space (Omnipresent).
  4. There is an enormous amount of energy in the universe therefore cause must possess greater energy still. (Omnipotent).
  5. There are natural laws that govern all physical, biological, and chemical functions therefore cause must be organized and orderly. (God of Order and Law Giver)
  6. There is an incredibly precise balance or fine tuning between the physical constants of the universe therefore cause must have a purpose in establishing such levels of precision and fine tuning. (Purpose)
  7. There is highly complex detailed information expressed in a unique chemical language imbedded in the DNA of all living things therefore cause must possess intelligence beyond that of the effect. (Omniscient).
  8. The natural world shows incredible diversity of design therefore cause must be creative and value diversity. (Creative).
  9. Humans as part of the natural world are personal beings therefore cause must be a personal being. (Personal)
  10. Humans intrinsically hold to an absolute set of moral codes therefore cause must be to hold to and value morality. (Holy)
  11. Humans intrinsically have the ability to love unconditionally and altruistically therefore cause must be loving. (Love)
  12. Earth exhibits numerous characteristics that must be present for the existence of life therefore cause must have intended for earth to be inhabited. (Planned Effect-Creation)

These are just a few of the more obvious connections between the Cause (God) and the Effect (the Universe).

A careful comparative analysis of the sacred writings of Hinduism (the Gitas, the Upanishads), of Islam (the Koran and the Hadith) and of Christianity (the Bible) reveals a startling yet predictable outcome.  The only sacred writings that reveal a god that fits each and every one of the necessary characteristics is the bible.  Thus, God is a perfect fit for the Cause of the Universe as we observe it.

By means of a deductive argument for God’s existence, Christianity is found to be true.  By means of an abductive argument from creation, Christianity is found to be true.

“If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too.  If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents – the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms…  I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all the other accidents.  It’s like expecting the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milk-jug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset.” C.S. Lewis

Source: Reasons for Hope ministries

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