Cold, Dead Hands

Charlton Heston Gun control

Don’t Let Gun Control Advocates Make You Ashamed of That Phrase

We mustn’t be tricked by the headlines. Look deeper. It is as important as ever to understand that Leftism is about power and control. Leftists want to control everything from what you can eat, to where you must go to school, to what you must buy, to how your company manufactures products, to what doctor you may visit and what medical procedures you are eligible for, to what kind of light bulb hangs over your mirror. The entire agenda of the Democrat/Leftists in the United States is about accumulating more and more power over your life.

Leftism is by definition anti-individual freedom.

Leftism isn’t simply about controlling you; it is about making sure no one can ever resist their control. So Leftism is also about gun control. The present quest of the Democrats (and some leftist Republicans) is not motivated out of a concern for the safety of children. If Leftists cared about children, they wouldn’t be so eager to see them killed in the womb. They wouldn’t be pushing anti-family policies which harm children. They wouldn’t be encouraging promiscuity among teenagers. Leftism has never had anything to do with the wellbeing of the people, much less the wellbeing of children. People are mere cogs in the wheel and children are utterly disposable.

If you doubt me, just examine history.

Today’s Democrats adore the Soviet system. When Soviet Leftists rolled their tanks into the Ukraine, what do you think they did with the children of the Kulaks? Those who weren’t exiled to freeze in Siberia were lucky enough to be shot in the head. The rest were starved out by design as Leftists stole all their food and fed their own fat faces in Moscow. 25,000 Ukrainians were starving to death every day and the Leftists had no compassion on them. It was actually illegal to own food, because food was considered property of the Soviet state. Emaciated children, barely clinging to life, were placed by their parents on train cars in desperate hopes that they would be taken somewhere–anywhere–with food.

The Leftists dumped them off in the cities and buried them, whether dead or alive- it didn’t matter. They couldn’t worry about the children because they were preparing for the Soviet empire with its totalitarian control over every aspect of life. That same totalitarianism is the dream of Leftists everywhere.

Power. Control. The eradication of the individual. The deification of the state. With no exaggeration, that’s Leftism, friends.

If you see yourself as a child and big government as Daddy, then this Democrat Party with their gun confiscation dreams is for you. It’s not for me. Long live the right to keep and bear arms!

Shawn Meyer

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1 comment for “Cold, Dead Hands

  1. March 12, 2018 at 4:44 pm

    You cant have leftism and islam, they both exclude each other. “Leftism is a western product. It is a “west in conflict with its own self. It does not matter if it is universalist in outlook it is still western at the end of the day. Islam can pretend to be universalist but at the end of the day it is an Arab creation. That is why Arabs thought they were superior to other non Arab muslims. Proof of this is the non arab indigenous movements(“Shuubiya) against Arab racism, in Spain and in Iran. Leftism is a religion just like orthodox christianity and islam, thats why they exclude each other. The only reason why non westerners think that leftism goes hand in hand with their own indigenous outlook is because of leftism being opposed to the west. As I said, a west within and opposed against itself.

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