Will Biden Honor His Promises to the LGBTQ Community?

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s most influential LGBTQ organization, recently issued a document directed at the future JoBama administration.  The Blueprint for Positive Change 2020, is a list of legislative agenda “suggestions” that Biden pledged to champion and enact in line with the LGBTQ movement.  It should come as no surprise that these plans are broad in scope and radical in intent.

The Blueprint makes 85 detailed policy positions and recommendations, department by department, from Agriculture to Health and Human Services, demanding the enactment of policies to prohibit what they have decided is discrimination.

Some of the most disturbing demands concern our schools and academia, long seen as the most promising pathway for the left to push its agenda and indoctrinate American youth as disciples of progressivism.

The Blueprint is calling for the Department of Education to strip religious colleges, universities and schools of accreditation that refuse to be coerced into the sexual revolution. Loss of accreditation is a pervasive threat.  Religious schools would no longer be able to participate in the GI Bill and students would not be allowed to transfer credits or apply for graduate study at other institution.  It would threaten even institutions that do not receive a single penny of government funding.

In other words, if Biden follows the LGBTQ “suggestions” religious educational facility that refuses to abandon Biblical standards for teaching, hiring, admissions, housing or student standards, or who refuses to bow to the moral revolutionaries at the Human Rights Campaign will cease to exist.  Haven’t we seen this play out in history before? 

While the attack on religious liberty is by far the most radical, there are an additional 84 “suggestions”  that aren’t that far behind.

The LGBTQ community wants the State Department to beginning issuing “non-binary” gender passports, a demand that would destroy the current system designed to promote safe travel throughout the world.  Of course their goal, in this instance, is to permanently eliminate gender or sex as a means of identification. 

In addition, they want the State Department to eliminate the Commission on Unalienable Rights because it is “contrary” to LBGTQ rights.  To be clear, the Commission was established to identify those rights that ALL humans possess – rights that stand in contrast to “invented” and “artificial” rights established by various courts throughout the world.

The Blueprint also “suggests” that the Biden administration rescind Trump’s established policies that “invite” discrimination against LGBTQ people by federally funded grantees and contractors.  In addition, they  want Biden to appoint openly lesbian, bisexual, or transgender judges, Justices, Executive Officials, Ambassadors, etc. to reflect the diversity of the country. 

It is also “suggested” that Biden commit “sufficient” resources and efforts to hire, retain and promote a diverse workforce, including LGBTQ people and people from other marginalized communities; restore funding  to foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide abortions; reverse the transgender military ban; establish an Interagency Working Group to protect and Support LGBTQ Rights Globally; add LGBTQ questions on the American Community Survey and the next U.S. Census;  end discrimination against gay and bisexual blood donors; and forbid mental health professionals in federally funded facilities from engaging in Conversion therapy or referring minors to Conversion Therapy. 

These are merely highlights. But it is no exaggeration to say that from top to bottom, the Blueprint poses serious challenges to religious liberty, a biblical understanding of human sexuality, and ultimately the common good of our society.

Will Biden jump on the LGBTQ wagon?  As we’ve already seen from his statements on the campaign trail and his inconsistent ideologies as a career politician, he is more than willing to cave under pressure from the most radical wings of his party, especially when it comes to the LGBT community.

Source:  A Direct Threat to Christian Education—The Human Rights Campaign Demands that the Biden Administration Deny Accreditation to Christian Colleges and Schools by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.; Blueprint for Positive Change 2020, Humans Rights Campaign

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