Marxism and the Protestant Church

Readers will be well served to investigate the history of the Church and the relationship between it and the US Federal Government, the wealthy foundations, and Marxist Communism over the last one hundred years.

It is my opinion that left-wing foundations and the US government have worked together tirelessly to destroy the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which this nation was built and by which this nation was a light to the world in so many positive ways. Part of their joint plan was to infiltrate and utilize the church as a primary cultural change agent. This subject needs to be more fully studied, written about, and discussed among Christians.

In Marxism has been part of the Protestant Church in America for decades, Edgar C. Bundy reveals that in 1919 NY State Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities within the state was established. The committee headed by state Senator Clayton Lusk produced a monumental work of 4 volumes which gave evidence of the infiltration of subversive forces within the state of New York. On the subject of Communist infiltration, the Committee reported that there were two dangerous centers of revolutionary Socialist teaching in ecclesiastical institutions, one of which was Union Theological Seminary funded by the Rockefellers, where Dr. Harry Ward was teaching Christian Ethics.

Dr. Ward, author of The New Social Order, shows a decided sympathy for Socialism and is friendly to Bolshevism in Russia. Ward also authored The Labor Movement, which contained addresses delivered before the Boston School of Theology, in which he expressed approval of the Industrial Workers of the World. The National Civic Federation Review reported Ward’s endorsement to the new gospel of Bolshevism; a movement he considered a spiritual movement to replace Christianity in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Dr. Ward also lectured in China in 1953 according to a Congressional Record of Investigation of Communist Activities in New York. According to the transcript, Dr. Ward not only had a powerful influence in the American churches through the Federal Council of Churches for softening up his own country with Communist propaganda, but he went overseas to help to prepare China for the eventual capture by communism.

The Congressional investigate also reported that The Methodist Federation for Social Action was first organized by a group of Socialist/Marxist clergymen headed by Dr. Ward who set its ideological and political pattern. Ward’s objective was to transform the Methodist Church and Christianity into an instrument for the achievement of socialism.

You can read Dr. Spaulding’s article in full at the link provided below.

source: The Family Bloodline That Orchestrated Homosexuality, Lesbianism and Pedophilia in America by Dr. Mike Spaulding; National Council of Churches’ Progressive Agenda and The Social Gospel , Franklin County Patriots

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