Corruption Breeds Distrust

No matter how deeply you distrust the government’s judgment, you are too trusting.  George F. Will

Distrust of government is as old as America itself. Our nation was founded on this premise, and it was embedded in our Constitution with separation of powers and the division between federal and state governments.

Citizens distrust government because of its propensity for self-interest that invites corruption. Government sponsored corruption undermines accountability which is the essence of good governance. With rampant corruption it can hardly be said that the protection and happiness of the people are the joint object of government.  Corruption breeds not only distrust but contempt and conspiracies.

In None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham an assertion was made that the political and economic system in most developed nations were the direct results of a concerted effort by the establishment elites.  History has shown this to be true.

In Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony Sutton, it was alleged that major corporations such as General Motors, GE, IT&T, Ford Motor, Chase Manhattan Bank, Exxon, etc. financed Adolph Hitler and provided him with the weapons and supplies he needed to wage WWII.  There is sufficient evidence to keep this from the conspiracy realm. 

Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, also by Antony Sutton, revealed that U.S. banks and U.S. corporations provided the Bolsheviks with the technology and money needed to enslave the Russian people. Sutton’s third book, National Suicide, documented the fact that the US financed the Russian government allowing them to financially support North Vietnam against American forces.  Over 80% of the weapons used to kill and maim American soldiers came from Russia.  By the time we managed to extricate ourselves from this “police action” America and our allies had loaned Russia over $40 billion.  That is fact.

These theories and well documented allegations were immediately dismissed by the left as just another “right-wing” conspiracy theory.  But were they? No matter how outrages some theories might be there usually exists just enough truth to make them plausible.

In 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True, Jonathan Elinoff writes that when skeptics attempt to ridicule a conspiracy theory by using the official story as a means of proving it wrong, they are just reinforcing the mainstream view or their “correct version” of history.  In fact, he writes, it is common for “hit pieces” or “debunking articles” to attempt to make all allegations and charges against the government and the ruling elite look crazy.  

Is there a government conspiracy behind every rock?  I seriously doubt it, just as I doubt that government is working with aliens or has a captured flying saucer at Area 51, or that “grays” are abducting people to perform outlandish medical procedures.  I can accept that there are things people have seen that they can’t identify but, until a UFO lands in my backyard and some little grays hop off to whisk me away, count me out. The same applies to goat man, swamp monsters and lizard man dreamed up by someone hoping to promote good ratings on TV.  Bigfoot – maybe but not as we see him or her portrayed on TV but as a yet to be discovered species!

Was our government behind the JFK assassination?  I believe that there are factions within the government capable of that. Is Obama an American citizen?  Who knows and who cares at this point. His term of office is over and even if someone could find undeniable proof do you truly believe he would be prosecuted?  Is Hillary Clinton behind all those suspicious accidents and suicides that surround her and Bill?  Again, capable yes but responsible – who knows. Is there a conspiracy to install a one world government?  Could you even call it a conspiracy when the left has been talking about it for decades?  

It is a known fact that in 1962 the U.S. Joint Chief of Staff drew up and approved plans to launch a secret war against the U.S.  The idea was to launch terrorist attacks against American citizens by hijacking airplanes, sinking boats, blowing up U.S. military ships, bombing pedestrian traffic areas, shooting innocent unarmed civilians, etc. and blaming it on Cuba in order to justify starting a war.  Thank God JFK refused to follow through on the plan – not because it was morally wrong to kill innocent U.S. citizens, but because he believed it would cause irreparable distrust and disrespect around the world for the U.S. military.

That must make you wonder what else has gone on that we don’t know about. There is undeniable proof that our government, in bed with big corporations and pharmaceuticals, has performed secret medical testing on military vets and civilians in the past and is probably still doing it at this very moment.

There is documented proof that our government has been in collusion with terrorists, with dictators, with the most evil of tyrants, even to the point of financing the overthrow of governments, so I have no problem believing that this “shadow government” is capable of plotting the destruction of the world’s governments or of murdering their own citizens. 

Does this make me a conspiracy theorists?  No, it simply means that I took off the rose-colored glasses. Let’s be honest, government, aided by the world’s elite, have proved many times over that they can’t tell the truth about anything even when it’s staring them in the face. They either live in a state of denial, hope we live in a state of denial or, honestly believe that if they tell the lie long enough it will become truth. 

The Fact is:  Real conspiracies do exist and for that reason alone, conspiracy theories can never be entirely dismissed

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