Utopia Is Science Fiction

In the eyes of a psychopath, there is no joy.  In the eyes of a slave, there is an acceptance of a strange feeling of numbness where the soul used to be.  Tessa Lena

The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial players on the planet and carried out by cooperating state bodies and NGOs. Its soul is a combination of early 20th century science fiction, idyllic Soviet posters, the obsessiveness of a deranged accountant with a gambling addiction and an upgraded, digital version of “Manifest Destiny.”

In the future utopian world dreamed up by the elite, life will be grim for most of us.  For those who survive depopulation, a technological control grid run by AI and robots will keep tabs on our every movement.  It’s like a 24/7 medicated reality, except the medications are both chemical and digital, and they are reporting you back to the mothership, which can then punish you for bad behavior by, say, blocking your access to certain places or by putting a hold on your digital bank account—perhaps without any human intervention at all.

The World Economic Forum says that you will “own nothing” and “be happy,” the happiness perhaps from a drug-induced state.  You will live in state provided housing, drive an electric car if you are even allowed to drive or own a car, and eat bugs, according to Michael Walsh in his book Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order. “They want fewer people in the world, for one thing. They’re not even shy about that, anymore. But they need you where they can see you, and the idea of mobility, which America is founded on … well, they don’t like that. That makes them very, very uncomfortable. What they also don’t like is freedom.”

The elites, of course, have all the good things for themselves – cars, air travel, consumer electronics, beef, alcohol, doctors, nice homes, books, streaming services, etc. all readily available.  It is easy to imagine something, plan for it, and even try to bring it into being.  However, in order to succeed, the laws of reality must be observed. The laws of cause and effect apply to all things.

To be elite in this world means to be wealthy and wealth is created through production of goods and services.  Once you have enough goods for your own needs, additional wealth is held in the form of assets such as land, equity, debt, commodities, etc.  Equities and debt derive their value from businesses which exist only because they have customers.  If everyone is impoverished and all their property and goods confiscated, the elite’s assets will be worth nothing.

Production of goods and services as we know it would be impossible under central planning. Other than the free market economy, sound money, and private property what alternative is there for the use of existing finite resources in creating useful things?

The elite’s version of the world where they have nice things with a high tech control grid crushing everyone cannot be built in the form in which they propose.  Stuff does not make itself.  Making stuff must happen prior to having stuff.

Utopian visions cannot be realized because, while imagination is unconstrained – reality has limits.  This vision is the dream of psychotic elites who image that they can have the end products of mass cooperation without the open society that enables it.

Much damage can be done in the attempt to create such utopian visions but it is only a question of how far it can get before it cancels itself.

Source:  Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible, by Robert Blumen, Brownstone Institute; Not-So-Great Reset: Live in a Box, Don’t Move, Be Surveilled, Shut Up, Eat Bugs by Robert Kraychik, Technocracy News; The Great Reset for Dummies by Tessa Lena; Tessa.substack.com

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