Stifling the Debate

As with misinformation, labeling someone who disagrees with the current flavor of the day as a denier has become endemic amongst the woke.

Covid denier, climate denier, election denier, science denier – all bandied about to end debate, tar differences of opinion as literally insane, and depict anyone who ever disagrees as stupid and evil.

Common usage of the term “in denial,” besides the joke about the river in Egypt, seemed to come to the forefront mostly in regard to an inability to face up to an obvious almost always personal truth – your drinking habits, the fact your kids really are monsters, etc.  But the woke have utterly bastardized the meaning.

The debate over climate change is one that should be taken seriously and done impartially; the discussion around the glaring voting security issues of 2020 should be considered similarly. 

The science denier epithet attached to anyone who questioned the safety and efficacy of the jab is especially egregious since science cannot, by definition, be believed or denied since it is in fact a verb, a process and one cannot follow the science just as one cannot follow a car one is driving.

Climate denier implies ostrich like stupidity.  How can a person possibly disagree with the fact that we’re all either going to drown or burn or freeze or dehydrate or starve or flood or desert or disease or war ourselves to death in the next few decades unless we do something NOW?  Never mind that doing most of the things being proposed NOW are unnecessary, contradictory, contra-indicated, and could end modern civilization as we know it.

The same is true with election denier.  The 2020 election was possibly the most unusual election in the nation’s history.  Barriers put in place to try to ensure secure and accurate voting were obliterated, massive numbers of ballots were mailed out willy-nilly, the unconscionable practice of ballot harvesting was normalized in many states, and counts were stopped and started and dragged on for days on end.  Just these undisputed facts are enough for intelligent reasonable citizens to legitimately wonder if the election was fair and honest.

And it must be pointed out in all three cases – science, climate, election – that those who toss the denier term about are also those same people who ignore, denigrate and outright block any attempt to figure out exactly what happened. Remember: If you can evade any impartial investigation, you can declare with confidence that no investigation ever found fault with your claim of the final and definitive and certain truth of your position.

In the end, for truth to prevail, denialism must be denied its power to stifle dissent, obfuscate facts, and intellectually segregate those with other opinions, those with legitimate questions, those who are not in denial of reality

At its heart, wokeness is divisive, exclusionary, and hateful. It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue. Elon Musk

Source:  Denialism: A Woke Way to Stifle Dissent by Thomas Buckley, Brownstone Institute

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