The New Green Deal is Back!

Last year Democrats hid most of their green agenda inside the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ which will add trillions to federal debt, according to Daniel Turner, of Power the Future.

“While Americans pay $1.70 more per gallon of gas since Biden took office and deal with high food prices and empty shelves, we get this kind of DC political gamesmanship, and the American people are sick of it.”

Sick or not – It’s back! Democrats reintroduced the New Green Deal on Thursday, April 20, 2023, spearheaded by the rising star of the left, New York’s finest, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described socialist, hailed as the future of the DNC.

AOC and her left-wing cohorts have been calling for the formation of a committee to oversee the drafting of a Green Deal plan since 2019, a plan that has met with hesitation by some Democrats who, while agreeing with the basic outlines, are worried they may have to swear off contributions from the fossil fuel companies than the damage done to our country.

But, if Americas are willing to throw freedom and the free market under the bus, these benevolent socialists are more than willing to eliminate gender-based inequalities in income and wealth, pay reparations to right historical injustices, and guarantee the equitable distribution of wealth to the impoverished, low-income, deindustrialized, marginalized community.   Notice that the middle class is left out of the equation, but there is a reason for that – there will be no middle class left under this deal.  You’re either at the top of the pole or at the bottom.

They are also willing to give us the opportunity, training and education to be a full and equal participant in the transition (from Capitalism to Socialism) with a guaranteed job, equal living accommodations, and a living wage to anyone that wants it.   The plan didn’t mention what they would do to those who didn’t want to work  but considering  the history of other Socialist dictators, I’m assuming there would be consequences for the “useless eaters.”

Within ten years they promise us state-of-the-art energy efficiency, a smart grid, and the elimination of those nasty greenhouse gases from manufacturing, agriculture, and transportation by funding massive investment into green energy.    

The New Green Deal will supposedly include the creation of a Select Committee that would be responsible for the total oversight of U.S. industry, job creation, wages, safety, labor laws, and the creation of meaningful, career employment, while “recognizing the rights of workers to organize and unionize.   

And if taking America from capitalism to socialism isn’t enough, AOC’s plan also includes a failsafe in the form of a basic income program and Medicare for all, along with any other thing the Committee deems appropriate to promote economic security and labor market flexibility.  That “anything” is scary especially when you consider the possibilities – like what happens when they run out of other people’s money.   

Who is going to pay for all this?  According to AOC, the taxpayer, the wealthy elite and the Federal Reserve will foot the bill.  Of course, you realize the Fed isn’t in the business to generate income for America – they print money and extend credit to keep the elite afloat.  But AOC promises we have nothing to worry about, cause the overlords will just create more banks, the Fed can just print even more money and extend credit for all those socialist projects and investments. She failed to mention all the taxes the overlords will amass through additional taxes.

Unfortunately, AOC’s math is on par with her mentality.  According to an editorial for Investor’s Business Daily, moving the economy away from fossil fuels to 100% percent renewable energy will come “at a cost of about $5.2 trillion over 20 years.”   

The Green New Deal is clearly a political program, designed to check every box on the progressive wish-list.  It makes no sense on economic grounds, either in spirit or letter.  The scope of the takeover and the mandate for legislative authority amounts to a radical grant of power over the lives, homes, businesses, travel, banking, families, etc.   It would transform America into a Venezuela style socialist state.

The weaker America is, the more vulnerable it becomes to being controlled which is exactly what AOC and her uneducated supporters want.   Climate Change has never been about the environment – it has always been about control.   

F. H. Buckley reminds us in his article, “Lessons From Venezuela,” published in the New York Post, that anyone who truly cares about people’s lives, never mind basic freedoms, has to own up to the inevitable disaster socialism can beget – the former Soviet Union and its satellites, Mao’s China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba – the socialist promise of a paradise ended up as a totalitarian nightmare and hellhole. 

Source:  The Green New Deal Is a Trojan Horse for Socialism, by Jarrett Stepman, @ Daily Signal; Green New Deal: A Crazy, Expensive Mess: KEY TAKEAWAYS,  Senate RPC;   As New Green Deal Democrats cement their hold, climate change emerges as a top priority, by E.A. Crudden @ ThinkProgress

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