It Is No Longer Just a Culture War

Bud Light enlists a trans minstrel to sell beer.  Target hires a trans Satanist to design LGBT clothing for children that includes binding and tucking swimsuits. North Face launches a marketing campaign featuring a creepy drag performer pushing LGBT merchandise to children ages 2 to 7.  The LA Dodgers gives an award to a demonic hate group whose sole purpose is to blaspheme and profane the Catholic faith. 

In case you managed to somehow escape it, June is Pride month, and a seemingly endless gaggle of corporations are scrambling to show their solidarity.  In addition to those listed above are CHIC-Fil-A, Kohl’s, Walmart, Disney, Wells Fargo, AT&T, Colgate-Palmolive, Nabisco, Delta, HBO, Morgan Chase, McDonald’s, the NBA, Pfizer, Bank of America, General Motors, Nike, Starbucks, Levi, Converse, Comcast, Hilton Hotels, USA Today, CarMax, Coca-Cola, Del Monte,  Google, H&R Block, Hallmark, Hershey,  IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg, Kroger, Lowes, Pepsi, Shell Oil, Sherwin-Williams, UPS, Verizon, and Wendy’s, to name but a few.

The transformation of once-wholesome American corporations into fulcrums of LGBT power, advancing a wildly destructive sex-and-gender revolution, is not just a tragic story of American moral decline, but also one that offers vital and little-known lessons on the strategies and tactics of the Sexual Left.

How did the LGBT movement gain such a powerful foothold in corporate boardrooms?  The growing secularization and abandonment of biblical ethos, the “coming out” of millions as non-binary, gender queer, etc. helped but the organizational efforts of activists to push major companies to serve the LGBT agenda via the Human Rights Campaign, HRC, perfected the corporate shakedown strategy that would make Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition green with envy.

In the long run, this ideological movement and the powerbrokers, professional agitators, lobbyists, and corporations who promote it will harm not only society at large but also vulnerable individuals.

As sociologist Philip Rieff so aptly stated, American society is in the midst of an unprecedented experiment in building society apart from religion. One of the primary ways we’ve done this is by overthrowing the Judeo-Christian view of sex and gender. By untethering sex from marriage, we have enabled the normalization of hard core pornography, extramarital affairs, explosive growth of STDs, death of 60 million babies in the womb, and a divorce epidemic. And by severing gender identity from God-given sex, we will likewise reap a psychological, social, cultural, and political whirlwind.

This is not just a culture war.  At its deepest level it is a religious war, a spiritual struggle between light and dark, good and evil.  In this war there are only two sides:  God or Satan. Choose wisely who you will follow. Your country and more importantly, your soul depend on it.

Source:  Corporate America Has Launched A Religious War. It’s Time To Choose Your Side by John Daniel Davidson, the Federalist; Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children by Linda Kimball, NewAmerica; The real reason nearly all major US companies bow to the woke LGBT agenda, LifeSite News

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