Author: Rretta

We Did Not Steal Land From Mexico

The next time you hear someone prattling on about how the US stole all the southwestern United States from Mexico, set them straight.  Tell them its bunk.  The land was bought  and paid for. .  If they refuse to believe you refer…

A Slate of True Conservative Candidates

It is official – Virginia finally has a slate of true conservatives for this year’s state election. It should come as no surprise that Ken Cuccinelli was selected as the Republican candidate for Governor, as he was the only one on the ticket. Cuccinelli  is known…

Cows Beware: Big Brother is Watching

Judicial Watch is reporting that the Department of Agriculture is so concerned about our health that they are funding a $19.4 million study on the effect of  climate change on cows with the aim of  developing methods that will “increase the…

A Lethal Dose of Unaffordable Socialism

Affordability.  It was a central premise – and promise – of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)  when the law was debated in Congress throughout 2009 and signed into law on March 23, 2010. In his remarks that…

Willful Ignorance Or Incompetence?

The White House is responsible for nothing and they don’t know about anything going on in their government. Is Obama willfully ignorant  or is he totally incompetent? They didn’t know about the DOJ’s covert seizure of the Associated Press’s phone records until today,…

Theft By Devaluation

“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion; truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister Benevolent totalitarianism is the concept of government control by and through deception. …

Pistol Packing Pastor

I hope everyone is aware that the far-left is after your guns and has no shame in asking ministers to help them convince the gullible that Americans don’t need to be armed. Dr. Ken Hutcherson, of the Hutch Post, has…

A Dagger To the Heart For American Workers

The Heritage Foundation  cost analysis of the “bipartisan” amnesty bill set  a price tag of $6.3 trillion in new spending and entitlements. Over their lifetime, Heritage says, “newly legal immigrants would receive $9.4  trillion in government benefits  – including Social  Security…

Navy Seal Team Denied Christian Funeral

Political correctness killed these heroes – then political correctness allowed them to be insulted at their funeral service 30 troops were killed in a helicopter downing in Afghanistan on Saturday, Aug. 6, 2011. The Pentagon on Thursday, Aug. 11, 2011…

IRS Deliberately Targeted Obama’s “Enemies”

The IRS apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was “inappropriate” targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status. The agency blamed low-level employees, saying no high-level officials were aware. The…

Illegal Immigrants Help Foster Income Inequality

“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics.” Plutarch Economists point to three particularly important drivers of the recent trend in income inequality – off Shoring and immigration, both related to globalization trends…