Author: Rretta

Common Sense: An Obituary

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red…

E15: Going Overboard

Senator Roger Wicker, R-MS introduced legislation, S 344,  with Sen. David Vitter, R-La  to reverse an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation that would lead to an increase in the amount of ethanol in gasoline.  The legislation would prohibit the EPA…

Virginia DNC Campaign Smears Start Early

The Democrats are notorious for dirty campaigns but this early? A press release by the Virginia Black Conservative Forum states that they  stands In support of Ken Cuccinelli against unfair attacks by Terry McAuliffe and the Democratic Party of Virginia and are…

Born In Secrecy, Operating In Silence

“The guarantees of personal freedom in the Constitution are only as valuable and reliable as is the fidelity to the Constitution of those to whom we have entrusted it for safekeeping.”   Judge Andrew Napolitano In 1798, when John Adams was…

Sticker Shock

The left assured us that passage of  ObamaCare would lower our health care costs.  Obama promised that premiums would decerease by $2,500.00.  Anyone that has health insurance today knows that both of these statements are lies. But, you ain’t seen…

Carbon Tax Back On The Table

Just when you thought you might be able to eat this month and still pay your electric bill – California’s Socialist Senator Barbara Boxer, the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee  and Vermont’s Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders,…

Come Into My Parlor Said The Spider to The Fly!

Embracing the false notion perpetuated by the open-borders  lobby that the GOP  will continue to lose elections until it pushes amnesty,  the Republican National Committee (RNC)  told its members they must  support “comprehensive immigration reform.” The call to support an …

Virginia’s RINO Infestation

The number one goal for fiscal policy is to reduce the burden of government spending.  A simple way to achieve this goal is to make certain that the private sector grows faster than the public sector.  But when politicans fail to…

Socialism At Its Finest?

With no advanced notice to the people of Cyprus, over the weekend, Euro zone finance ministers demanded  that Cypriots pay a tax on  their bank deposits in exchange for a €10bn (£8.5bn) bailout, prompting panic across the island  as people rushed…

House Leadership Called To Task At CPAC

Brent Bozell, president of Media Research  chided Republicans during his speach at CPAC.   Defining  true conservatism for the audience, he called the current GOP leaders  “Democrat Lite.” While praising Paul Ryan for his  courage in trying to reform Medicare and repeal ObamaCare, Bozell  rebuked…