Author: Rretta

Rewriting History

“There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind.   Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when…

Not All Choice Is Morally Valid

“I deplore the horrible crime of child murder. . .No matter what the motive, love of ease or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed.  Guilty?  Yes. . .It…

Treason From Within

“Every man, when he is oppressed and disarmed, may still imagine that, while he yields in obedience, it is to himself he yields it. . .It is in vain to summon a people who have been rendered so dependent on…

Judge, Jury, and Executioner

The political Overlords are rushing into the abyss to appease the cries of those that seek safety over freedom. In the process, they are destroying the very foundations upon which our nation was founded.  Unfortunately, it is not just the…

Marxist Pigs of Power

Like gods walking the earth, the Marxist Priests of Power, in their perverted minds, believe they can create human nature.   Marxism, the core ideology of modern Socialism, is an irrational, utopian and coercive perversion of human equality. Marxism seeks equality…

One Hand Washes Another

During the 70’s the environmental movement was about saving the earth. Unfortunately, as greed thrust itself into the movement, the battles became more about lining the pockets of left-wing bureaucrats and radical left-wing organizations than about saving anything. A July…

The Push To Isolate Israel

One has to ask why are so many grandchildren of Nazis and Nazi collaborators once again declaring war on the Jews? Why are we seeing an increase in anti-Semitism and irrationally virulent anti-Zionism in Western Europe? According to Alan Dershowitz,…

Eat More Bugs

Global food production, and in particular meat production,  threatens climate stability, claims a recent report from the Green Over-Lords.   The EAT-Lancet Commission co-chaired by Professors Walter Willet and Johan Rockstrom, together with an additional 18 coauthors from various fields that…

Marxist Feminism and The Nuclear Family

Jessie Daniels, a sociology professor at City University of New York’s Hunter College, who describes herself as an “expert on the internet manifestation of racism”  has decided that the nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white…


Peter Boghossian, an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University, with an academic focus on atheism, critical thinking, pedagogy, and skepticism, is best known for a “hoax” that he and two other professors pulled off when they published a…

Setting the Nation on Fire

Most people agree that our world faces major threats, but they wildly disagree on what those threats are.  Unfortunately when you can’t identify the real threats, you end up fighting for the wrong causes. After two recent mass shootings journalists…

Twisting The Truth About Poverty

Progressives  are adept at twisting the truth to fit their political agenda and ignoring facts that do not support that agenda.  Over the years progressives Democrats have cast themselves as the party of compassion using envy to promulgate class warfare…