Author: Rretta

Rights vs. Duties

One reason there’s a lot of confusion about rights from both liberals and conservatives is that there are different sorts of rights. Besides the distinction between legal and moral rights, we also need to distinguish the different sorts of claims…

The Deity of Christ

In the blockbuster book, The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown alleged that Christ’s deity was concocted 300 years after His crucifixion.  Jehovah’s Witnesses also distribute literature espousing that Christ’s divine nature is a trumped-up teaching of men, rather than an…

Republicans Push Carbon Taxes

“Madness is rare in individuals, but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule.”  Friedrich Nietzsche Sometimes smart people can be astonishingly ignorant, and self-serving.  Not that an environmental policy as a tool of wealth redistribution is new…

Building the Ark

Science can at times yield surprising biblical insight.  Take for example the fact that lignin makes hardwood trees hard.  Lignin is a group of organic compounds found in the cell walls of plants that give structural rigidity to the plants’…

The Destruction of Europe

“Europe becomes more and more a province of Islam, a colony of Islam. And Italy is an outpost of that province, a stronghold of that colony…In each of our cities lies a second city – a Muslim city, a city…

We Need To Save Our Children From Cancer

There is good reason to suspect that the ever-more-burdensome vaccination program, along with other toxic childhood exposures, is linked to pediatric cancer trends. Over the past several decades, there have been significant increases in various types of childhood cancers, including…

Socialist Can Smell A Dollar A Mile Away

Socialism is geared toward attacking the rich and maligning the accumulation of private wealth.  Which begs the question – why are the majority of rich people far-left liberal democrats?  The three richest men in America – Warren Buffett, Bill Gates…

Evolution Is Not A Fact of Science

With more than 5000 fossils or fossil fragments of apes, chimps, and humans allegedly showing stages of human evolution, which ape-like animal had enough human characteristics for us to say “this one has just crossed the boundary from ape to…