Category: Constitution

Holding the High Ground

Hills are such a strategic advantage in battle that an army will do nearly anything to keep them. Holding high ground not only gives you a superior view, but your enemies have an uphill exercise to dislodge you. It’s no…

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It Isn’t About Unpaid Taxes

Remember Biden’s scheme to monitor everyone’s checking account because taxpayers were hiding unreported income? Apparently the peasants and their banks weren’t thrilled with the idea.  Imagine that! In rides Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, with a plan to save…

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Voting Fraud

Bulk-mail ballot fraud is the Democrats’ strategy for electoral victory from here until kingdom come. They know that if every American receives a ballot in the mail without even having to request one, and if those Americans don’t have to…

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Sovereignty or Submission?

“In the next century nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority and realize national sovereignty wasn’t such a great deal after all.”   Strobe Talbott, Deputy Secretary of State under Bill Clinton …

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Rights Trump Politics

Politics are real. Politics sets priorities between competing public interests. The process is never perfect. It gets ugly when existing political interests work against your individual rights. Let’s take an easy example first. Suppose you want to gather people together…

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Freedom Demands Vigilance

“Those who won our independence believed…that the greatest menace to freedom is an inert people, that public discussion is a political duty and that this should be a fundamental principle of the American government….They eschewed silence coerced by the law.”…

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A Virtual Yellow Star

As happens every time a despotic emergency regime is established and constitutional guarantees are suspended, the result is, as happened with the Jews under fascism, the discrimination of a category of men, who automatically become second-class citizens. This is the…

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AR-15 Ban Ruled Unconstitutional in California

In a 94 page decision, Judge Roger T. Benitez of California’s ruled that the ban on AR-style rifles is unconstitutional. Read the judge’s decision yourself since he wrote in language that even a journalist can understand. At best I can summarize a…

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To Control Speech is to Control People

“There exists a special place in ignominy for American politicians who, having been extended the trust of their voters, turn upon a dime and attempt to undermine the protections of the constitutional order that put them in office.  And, within…

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Christians and the 2nd Amendment

Natural allies aren’t always bosom buddies.   But they can be a powerful force to defend our rights and liberties against hostile government initiatives. Freedom requires such coalitions. Those of us concerned about religious freedom and constitutional liberties have ample reason…

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Big Government Requires Big Lies

Truth is defined differently inside the Beltway — especially in the hands of the government and specifically in the hands of the FBI. The FBI rarely record interviews, preferring instead to rely on written summaries known as 302s, which are…

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What Makes America Great?

Five decades after America gained independence, the French author Alexis de Tocqueville remarked on our nation’s exceptional character. Unlike other nations that were defined by ethnicity, geography, common heritage, social class, or hierarchal structures, America was a nation of immigrants…

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Why Do Good Men Do Nothing?

Why do good men do nothing in the face of evil, especially when evil aggressively invades their lives? The question has relevance to those who value the tradition of individual freedom; a tradition that includes not only freedom of speech,…

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