Category: Education

Speaking of Hypocrites!

Decrying racial injustice in America has become a prominent part of some U.S. companies’ public image. But when it comes to China committing ‘the largest incarceration of an ethnoreligious minority since the Holocaust,’ they seem to think profits are more…

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God Created Man

In today’s world, the theory of evolution, environmentalism, atheism,  social justice, and whatever man-made religion you can think of,  has become the modern-day god of the educated and the uneducated.   Science has become an enemy of Christianity by those who seek to discredit the Bible and destroy…

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To Track and Trace

You might be surprised to learn that it’s not just American governors and mayors who have overstepped their authority during this so-called COVID epidemic.  The whole world has gone bat ass crazy. The Danish government recently proposed the Epidemic Law…

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Education Was A Gift From Christians

Whether we look at the Puritans…  of the seventeenth century, or their descendants of the eighteenth century, or those who framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, we see that their political programs were the rather clear reflection of…

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Reproductive Justice is a Sham

Ever since Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke received her fifteen minutes of fame a few years back at the congressional hearings on the Affordable Care Act, we’ve been hearing a lot about “reproductive justice.” It’s a rather queer pairing of…

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Herd Mentality

When I was growing up my elders always offered useful advice such as:  if you lie with dogs you’re going to get fleas; it’s better to let people think you’re ignorant than open your mouth and prove them right; a…

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Yawn! UN Predicts Another Armageddon

Just when you have a glimmer of hope that the United Nations had given up on demanding vast sums of money and repressive bureaucratic control  to combat global Armageddon that exist only in the virtual world of computer models,  they…

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Euphemisms and Murder

The root of the despotism of this age is clearly the corruption and abuse of language. Those left-wing mind-molders waving to the peasants from their ivory towers insist that language is man-made, invented for personal and subjective use. Language, we are…

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Socialism, The Heart of Darkness

Try this thought experiment.  Pretend you’re a tyrant.  Among your many liberty-destroying objectives are extermination of Blacks, Jews, and Catholics.  Which would you prefer?  A United States with political power centralized in D.C.,  powerful government agencies with detailed information on…

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The Climate Hustle

We keep hearing that climate change will destroy the world. Biden is so distraught that he is willing to spend $500 billion of taxpayer money to save us from this dreaded “existential threat to life.” With the help of AOC…

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Our Founding Principles

Our Founding Principles, sometimes called First Principles, are the bedrock values that formed the basis of the American Experiment.  Of all those principles, I believe there were five firmly held by all fifty-five delegates to the Constitutional Convention that formed…

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Beware The Dangers of 5G

The crime scene was straight out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie. One hundred and fifty dead birds lay sprawled on the ground, fallen out of trees in a park in The Hague, Netherlands. And it wasn’t the first time it…

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There Are Two Sides to Every Story

For years, Pueblo, Colorado had been looking for industries to revive its economy, and when recreational marijuana was legalized for retail sale in Colorado in 2014, many saw it as the answer.   Situated 100 miles south of Denver, with…

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