Category: Education

New Deal Democrats

According to a Gallup poll in early August 57% of Democrats polled had a positive view of socialism compared to just a 47% favorable view of capitalism. The poll also showed that young Americans’ favorability of capitalism had dropped to…

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Do We Have A Duty To Die?

Everyone over the age of 35 relax – Google has been tackling the challenge of aging for years.  Of course, what this actually means is vague.  Do they plan on killing off everyone before they have a chance to die…

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The Gaying of the Catholic Church

“You can hide the rubbish only for so long. Eventually it overflows, out into the open. When the [Catholic] Church should be speaking with a clear and direct voice, it is instead spreading confusion, misunderstanding and scandal.” Benedick Kiely, National…

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The Wild Goose Pagan Festival

Picture Woodstock, Birkenstocks, and unorthodox Jesus references and you will have an image of the annual Wild Goose Festival in Ashville, North Carolina. The Wild Goose, a Celtic metaphor for the Holy Spirit, is “a festival of justice, spirituality, music…

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The Department of Parental Licensing

Imagine, if you can, that in order for you to raise your child you would need a government license and in order to get that license, you had to undergo psychological evaluations and background checks to determine your fitness to…

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The Christian Purge

Left-wing Socialist Democrats hold particular disdain for conservative Christians who steadfastly obey the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ. They love to portray Christianity as backward, puritanical, oppressive and unworthy of respect. Given the intense animosity leveled at the church one…

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The Next Step In Human Evolution?

In 2017 Scientists reported selectively altering genes in viable human embryos for the first time. Just this year the UK Nuffield Council on Bioethics took the position that changing a human embryo’s DNA could be morally permissible if it was…

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That Veil of Ignorance Is Not Bliss

Ignorance is bliss, or is it?  Actually that statement is known as an idiom to describe  a refusal to acknowledge the reality of a situation.  Some people hide in that “ignorance” because the truth is unpleasant or too overwhelming or…

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The Killing Fields

“Absolute moral standards are becoming passé and everything is being relativized on its head. What is evil is now good; what is dark is now light; and he who is sick, old or defenseless is now worthless. All of which…

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Be Careful What You Wish For!

“We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.” Nikita Khrushchev Bernie Saunders is actually rather…

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A Tsunami of Quackery

Public schools are practically defined by a tsunami of quackery.  Every idea pushed in the public schools is pushed to the point of pathology.  Once the Education Establishment swings behind an idea, they think it is their job to destroy…

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Rapture of the Church: Is It A Hoax?

From the beginning of the Christian era until the Protestant Reformation, only one person, Ephraem of Nisibis, in 373 A.D. preached, in one known sermon, that “for all the saints and Elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation…

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