Category: Education

Nazi Tactics Are The New Norm In America

Parents – if you haven’t already figured it out – Sesame Street has been used by the far left to indoctinate your children for years, using those colorful Muppets characters! Jim Henson Studios, who owns the Muppets, has decided that…

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Common Core Quietly Implemented by Obama

Robert G. Holland – New standards for math and English called Common Core are poised to hit public schools across the nation. Some schools will begin implementing them as early as this fall, before parents have any inkling what has happened…

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Ponzi Economics

In an interview with Alex Daley of  Casey Research, David Stockman gave a blunt assessment of the US’s economic outlook and how it came to this precipice.  While the interview is long and sometimes technical, it is well worth a…

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Meet Obama’s Mentor: Frank Marshall Davis

I’ve often heard it said that you can  know  a person by the company that he keeps.   Frank Marshall Davis could go a long way in explaining our current president. Frank Marshall Davis was a writer, poet and political extremists who was skeptical…

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UN Prefers Dead Babies

Numerous European countries have baby hatches or boxes that allow mothers to safely and anonymously abandon unwanted newborns.  Advocates say the boxes prevent infanticide, abortion and abandonment.  But the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is pushing…

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Founding Fathers Are Now Officially Terrorists

The Department of Homeland Security has just published another report on terrorism authored by Gary LaFree, Professor of Criminology at the University of Maryland and Binca Bersani, Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts-Boston.  The report “Hot Spots of…

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Biden Thinks Government Creates Wealth

While bashing Republicans and the wealthy at the National Education Association annual meeting, which by the way has endorsed Obama for 2012, Biden said [Romney believes] that those so-called job creators will make everything okay for the rest of us. …

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Obama And The Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood’s bait and switch is standard operating procedure.    In previous rounds of elections, the Brotherhood promised it would not seek a parliamentary majority – but it did;  Then, it promised not to run a candidate for president –…

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