Category: History

Celebrate The Bill of Rights Every Day

December 15, 1791 marks the most momentous day in human history. On that day, the first ten amendments to the then-new United States Constitution were ratified, placing severe limits — for the first time in in thousands of years —…

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It’s likely that no sentence has ever received as much scrutiny as the twenty-seven words of the Second Amendment, one of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, collectively known as the Bill of Rights and, as such,…

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The Gun Culture’s Dirty Little Secret

Does the United States Constitution mean what it says? Does it say what it means? Was it written as some kind of obscure code that can only be interpreted into English by individuals with special education and credentials? Or was…

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Family Bonds

Alexis de Tocqueville once wrote that an American will build a house in which to pass his old age and sell it before the roof is on; he will plant a garden and abandon it just as the trees are…

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George Washington’s Warning to America

George Washington envisioned an America where people of all faiths could enjoy peace. He wrote to the synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island (8/14/1790): “May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and…

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Paying to be Indoctrinated

The word ‘propaganda’ is tossed about freely with that word suggesting involuntary indoctrination. And we blame the government and the media for influencing our minds. Yep, they are drumming these things into our heads forcibly, by golly, pushing their ideas…

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Laughter for the Mind, Body and Soul

Humor is one of the greatest gifts from a sovereign God although most people see no connection between God and laughter. Ancient Hebrews knew the advantage of laughter. Proverbs 17:22 clearly teaches “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a…

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Islam: A History of Violence

According to many on the left, the Bible is far more violent than anything found within the Qur’an. The military conquest of the land of Canaan by the Hebrews circa 1200 BC is often characterized as “genocide” and the idea…

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Islam Has No Claim to Jerusalem

Islam has no claim to Jerusalem, period – never has – never will. Egyptian scholar Youssef Ziedan, who specializing in Arabic and Islamic studies, is the director of the Manuscript Center at the University of Alexandria, and author of more than 50…

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The Lincoln Puzzle

After his death, for many, Lincoln became a symbolic Christ, and for others perhaps, more than symbolic.  So it is right and fitting, given the legacy laid at his feet, and the resultant and seemingly unstoppable growth of the “Behemoth” managerial…

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