Category: Liberty

The Voice of God Defines Reality

Despite a popular myth perpetuated by Cecil B. DeMille’s classic film “The Ten Commandments” starring Charlton Heston as Moses, the Ten Commandments were not simply given to Moses on tablets of stone by Almighty God and then delivered by Moses…

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SCOTUS and the 2nd Amendment

“The Constitution is not a living organism. It’s a legal document, and it says what it says and doesn’t say what it doesn’t say.” Justice Antonin Scalia State legislators denied the ordinary person the right to bear arms in New…

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Who Hates America More Than Biden?

Writing in “The Mountain Democrat,” a Lake Tahoe regional website, Larry Weitzman asks the question in the title of his article – “Who hates America more? Russia, China or Joe Biden and Democrats?” Some might say that it is only…

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Biden’s Assault on the 2nd Amendment

Supporters of gun control have long called for a national database of gun owners. However, as it stands today, there is no national registry.  In fact, the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986 prohibits against the establishment of a national…

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Justice Perverted

“…It is necessary to understand that every modern theory of social justice is ideological. No matter how reasonable or rational it may be, every modern theory is the rationalization of the interests of a particular group or class. William E.…

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Cancel Culture is Joyless

Cancel culture is not only joyless but lifeless. It is built on negativity, criticism, and fault-finding which, in the long term, cannot be sustained. Cancel culture produces death rather than life and fear rather than faith, stifling creativity and suffocating…

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Holding the High Ground

Hills are such a strategic advantage in battle that an army will do nearly anything to keep them. Holding high ground not only gives you a superior view, but your enemies have an uphill exercise to dislodge you. It’s no…

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Manipulating Inflation Numbers

Imagine a world in which I was legally allowed to steal 13–30% of your wealth every single year, and lie to you about how much I’m stealing.  Welcome to Planet Earth, 2021.  Strange Sounds The U.S. has fallen to 20th…

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Crooks and Shady Deals

After watching hours of political ads from the Democrat Party, I just can’t believe how hypocritical Terry McAuliffe has been in trying to create a perception that Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin is a crook, especially considering McAuliffe’s scandalous background.  The…

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Sovereignty or Submission?

“In the next century nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority and realize national sovereignty wasn’t such a great deal after all.”   Strobe Talbott, Deputy Secretary of State under Bill Clinton …

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The World Is On Fire

This world is not our home, so we shouldn’t cling too tightly – It’s merely the battlefield we’re called to fight on during these dark days. It is important that we remain vigilant so that we can understand all that…

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A Nation In Rebellion

We confess our national sins and entreat Your forgiveness.  We confess our arrogance and our selfishness.  We confess we have broken and continue to break the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.  We have rejected Your laws, embraced our…

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Vaccine Passports – The Beginning of the End?

Vaccine passports are steeped in Nazism and antithetical to a democratic society. “If you regard some human beings as more valuable than others, then you’re opening up the Holocaust.  It’s very simple. That’s eugenics in a nutshell.”  Vera Sharav Governments…

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