Category: Transparency

The Odessa Massacre

Contrary to what the mainstream media has tried to convince you, it’s not at all a mystery how the fire started in Odessa, Ukraine and it’s not at all a mystery who started it. We owe it to the victims…

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Forbidden Secret

This is Dr. Stanley Monteith’s mindblowing video lecture The Forbidden Secret, which reveals the source of the power that has been utilized by sages, adepts, witch doctors, shamans, priests, prophets, wise men, diviners, and mediums down through the ages. Secret…

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Dr. Jim Garrow & Sheila Zilinsky

Obama stuck the knife in the back of every American. “We are in a situation now where we have a man who is a domestic enemy running our country dismantling all of the systems within the country, setting up all…

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Our President, Our Enemy

Obama Seeks to Confiscate All Apache Helicopters from National Guard and…. According to reports, the Army National Guard is pushing back against a plan to send every one of its 192 Apache attack helicopters to the active duty Army. Some…

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Clive Bundy Is Not A Racist

Charlie Delta, a U.S. Marine, has this to say about the left’s attempt to label Clive Bundy a racist: The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic,…

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Doping The U.S. Military

Obama and his progressive  cohorts are clamoring for more gun control laws after the recent shooting at Fort Hood, Texas,  again attempting to blame an inanimate object as the root cause of all this violence.   But if Dr. Breggin is…

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