Category: Transparency

Kiss Your Medical Freedom Good-bye

Whatever value system you apply to human life, it is important to understand that international public health is currently dominated by left-wing rhetoric that insists all life is equal and of equal concern. This will greatly influence society and your…

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It Is No Longer Just a Culture War

Bud Light enlists a trans minstrel to sell beer.  Target hires a trans Satanist to design LGBT clothing for children that includes binding and tucking swimsuits. North Face launches a marketing campaign featuring a creepy drag performer pushing LGBT merchandise…

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A Desire to Dominate

The world seems to make less and less sense with each passing day. Values we once cherished and that bound civil society together face daily bombardment. Offensive things are routinely said and done to intentionally inflame and divide. Freedoms we…

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Massaging the Truth

By now you’ve more than likely figured out that Media coverage of anything coming out of D.C. is tainted.  The same holds true in all the fear mongering about the debt ceiling.  The truth is not nearly as cut-and-dry as…

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Draining the Swamp

The government has grown to a behemoth that would be unrecognizable to the Founders. In his book, You Report to Me, David L. Bernhardt gives a first person account of how the bureaucratic swamp works; an expose of the administrative…

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The Evils of Corruption

“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.”  Ludwig von Mises We cannot dismiss the many evils of the FBI and the Deep State as everyday partisan politics.  It’s far worse…

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They Mean To Be Masters

“The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to…

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Linguistic Manipulation

Language provides an avenue to express shared meaning so we can relate to one another.  Or at least it once did.  Today, on college campuses, social media, and in the courts, this shared meaning is being destroyed. Through linguistic activism,…

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The New Green Deal is Back!

Last year Democrats hid most of their green agenda inside the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ which will add trillions to federal debt, according to Daniel Turner, of Power the Future. “While Americans pay $1.70 more per gallon of gas since…

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2nd Amendment Rights Under Seige

Taking a page straight out of 1984, Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary changed the definition of assault rifle to fit pro-gun control talking points by adding “a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire.”…

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Character Counts

Character counts  and we must demand it in our politicians. Character not only defines who we are, it’s the summation of our habits, our attitudes and attributes.  It allows us to admit that there is a right and a wrong – that…

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The Goodists

The late firebrand Oriana Fallaci coined the term “Goodists” for those who employ politics as a means of self-congratulation. Goodists, writes Bret Stephens, put a higher premium on their moral intentions than the efficacy of their actions . . .…

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Ignorance Is Not Bliss

The Declaration of North America (DNA) agreement, between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, is another left-wing, America Last compact that is riddled with woke, collectivist bias, diversity, equity, and inclusion as its framework to tackle education, national security, migration, climate…

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When Science Becomes a Religion

Science, and the technology it breeds, is a dominating force in our culture. While science has extended our lives and made them more comfortable, its success also tempts us to place more value in it than it deserves. As a…

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Racism by Another Name

The original idea of being “woke” was best exemplified by the words of Dr. King, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color…

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