Category: Transparency

Rigging the Election

Video III: Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Was PERSONALLY Involved   Part III of the undercover Project Veritas Action investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the…

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Classy Hillary

Hillary Clinton to Black Staffer: “Brain dead buffalo…Get the f*** to work janitoring this mess” Did you know that Hillary Clinton won’t allow staffers to have cell phones in her presence? Her recent rampage after a surprise question from Matt…

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Focusing on the Candidates

By Roseann Salanitri – The Daily Rant A Comparison Of Both Candidates This presidential election cycle has been both confusing and interesting. With a political master and a reactive champion of blue collar Americans as candidates, the terms of the battle…

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Globalization Creates Misery

“Globalization creates economic policies where the transnationals lord over us, and the result is misery and unemployment.” Evo Morales Globalization has created a class war between wealthy investors and anyone that works for a living. It is a double-edged sword,…

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Hypocrisy Of The Left

By Roseann Salanitri The hypocrisy of the left is legendary but it is often eclipsed by the sanctimony of the right. Donald Trump’s latest verbal faux pa and the reactions it inspired is the case in point. As vulgar and…

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The Ties that Bind Hillary and Huma

This is the most important election you will vote in. This election will decide if we will remain a free republic or be placed farther in the chains of slavery. Is freedom worth 8 minutes of your time? Watch the…

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Hidden Meanings – Deceptive Euphemisms

By Roseann Salanitri – Daily Rant  The leaders within the leftist cult have artfully created their own type of jargon to disguise the evil intentions they pursue. One of the first examples of this phenomena was using the word “fetus” to…

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The Possibility of Something Else

Angelo Codevilla, in an article published at the Claremont Institute, claims that the 2016 election is sealing our transition from a Republic to some kind of Empire and regardless of the outcome, it will not change that trajectory. The only thing…

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Carnal Vs. Demonic

Pastor Wanda Alger Warns Hillary Clinton Is A ‘Demonically Driven’ Candidate The current perspective of many conservatives in relinquishing their vote to Donald Trump is that he is the “lesser of two evils.” I propose that this description totally misses…

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In defense of Donald Trump

Pastor Shares Powerful Thoughts Concerning Trump Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Trump is not starting a race war. Trump did not leave…

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Your Donations and The Pink Ribbon

Why would an organization so dedicated to stopping breast cancer continue to pour money into Planned Parenthood: a group that profits off of pushing abortions and contraceptives (both proven to be directly linked BACK to breast cancer).  Doesn’t seem to…

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Political Correctness Defined

For the last seven plus years, almost all of the things I wanted to write or say, have been stymied by that modern term referred to as ‘POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’.  Although I consider myself reasonably fluent in English, that term was not…

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