The Great American Taxpayer Fleecing

Obama’s’ stimulus package was “supposedly” designed to create new shovel ready jobs.   It definitely would require a lot of shovelers to move all that manure. HHS spent $2.4 million on a Columbia study  of  how racism might affect the immune system. …

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Make your voice heard

Mychal Massie Sean Penn is applauded as a volatile actor. He is known for his deep respect for world leaders such as Hugo Chavez, the late Communist leader of Venezuela and the soon-to-be-late (many hope) Fidel Castro of Cuba. He…

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Powerful Video on Gun Control

COMMUNISM SURVIVOR BLASTS SALEM GUN GRABBERS: “You don’t know what freedom is because you never lost it!” With a pointed finger Manuel Martinez called out Anti-Gun Committee Leader Floyd Prozansky during heated testimony on Friday. You can bet Prozansky got…

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