Tag: abuse of government

Red Flag Laws

Politicians told us to put up plastic signs that said, “no guns allowed”. The results were horrible. Instead of making us safer these “gun-free” zones left crowds of unarmed people at the mercy of mass murderers. Gun-control politicians aren’t criticized…

A Bad News Week for Socialists in the US

The news is filled with stories of political corruption and oppression. The ugly face of statist-control is staring at us just behind the headlines and the media spin. Unfortunately, the legacy media is more interested in hiding the truth than…

Gun Control in Florida Costs Lives

I re-watched the news coverage of a murderer’s attack on a Florida High School. I also read about an armed store clerk in Florida who saved his life by stopping an armed robber. I read about the attack on a…

The Insidious Semantics of “Gun Control”

“Gun Control” advocates fall into only two categories: the Liars and the Ignorant. There is no third category. The Liars invent the lies. The Ignorant believe the lies and repeat them. Truly fervent “gun control” advocates are quite often mentally…