Tag: Communism

China’s Dream Is to Control the U.S.

When you voted on November 8th you didn’t just elect representation for domestic issues – you also voted for representation on issues that could well bear on our national security and survival in the face of a mortal threat.  I…

Mind Conspirators

“It is in the light of our beliefs about the ultimate nature of reality that we formulate our conceptions of right and wrong; and it is in the light of our conceptions of right and wrong that we frame our…

The Constitution Is The Rule of Law

The battle for control of our Nation, the battle against the evils that will destroy us, can only be won if we identify the enemy and expose the tactics they employ. Louis Michael Seidman, the Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Constitutional…

Nothing Is As It Seems

“By Psycho-politics our goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum amount of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression and scientific turmoil. At…

Has Socialism Harmed No One?

 JERRY NEWCOMBE APRIL 23, 2021 George Santayana famously said that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. That was demonstrated when a Florida representative made a remarkable claim last week on the floor of the state House of…

When Did Stupidity Become A Virtue?

The Progressive answer to all cultural tensions is more indoctrination into various left-wing ideologies that define justice as substantive equality and blame “power structure” for social pathologies up to and including murder. The world is unjust and those who are…

From Deplorable to Enemy of the State

From Deplorables to enemies of the people is a trajectory with which the Chinese are all too familiar according to Habi Zhang in his article, Maoism in America? The Uses of the Capitol Hill Riot, published at the Imaginative Conservative. …

A War of Ideologies

The World is locked in a fierce war of ideologies. The Communists, who started it, not only know precisely what they are against, but precisely what they are for, unlike most Americans.  The party line is laid down for them…

Money and Power Controls the Debate

Climate alarmism, based on the erosion of the distinction between science and political advocacy, is about making up scare stories based on computer models with no basis in reality and recycled as scientific evidence. Many of the climate lies promote…

Selling America, Part 2

Given its hold on many American Democrat politicians, Joe Biden among them, and its aggressive global stance, it is not surprising that during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in July 2019, FBI Director Christopher Wray emphasized: “there is no…

Selling America, Part 1

Precious little has been written about the influence and leverage that the People’s Republic of China has over American corporations and why Americans are kept in the dark. Me thinks it has a lot to do with the close personal…

America’s Red Guard

This year has been one of the most disrupted times in at least the last half century, maybe longer. Global protests, covid-19, lockdowns, widespread rioting, looting, arson, homelessness, and destruction of property, including the tearing down of statues, has become…

Seattle Demands Undoing of Whiteness!

Isn’t re-education or re-indoctrination camps exclusive to China and other Communists countries?  Not anymore.  Thunder-headed big-bottomed leaders in Seattle apparently believe that what is good for communists is good for Americans and are busy at work transferring Americans from stability to…


Give me Attila the Hun over our present-day homegrown barbarians any day of the week. There was something honest about the old-fashioned barbarians. Whether they were the Huns or the Vikings, or the Vandals or the Visigoths, there was something…