Tag: corruption

Gun Control Puts Women at Risk

tags: gun control, prohibition Politicians said that gun-control would make us safer. That sounds good, but it isn’t what we see. One reasons is gun-control disarms innocent women. Taking the tools of self-defense away from women leaves them at a…

A Bad News Week for Socialists in the US

The news is filled with stories of political corruption and oppression. The ugly face of statist-control is staring at us just behind the headlines and the media spin. Unfortunately, the legacy media is more interested in hiding the truth than…

Time to be David and defeat Goliath!

Anti-Semitism is on the rise in America.  Shootings and stabbings, swastikas painted on buildings and sidewalks, and a Democrat Party that condones anti-Semitic views, are the new norm in what once was an incredibly safe country for Jews.  This time, a…

Complete Corporate World Takeover

(Paul Craig Roberts)  As I have emphasized since these “partnerships” were first announced, their purpose is to give corporations immuity from the laws in the countries in which they do business. The principle mechanism of this immunity is the granting…

D.C. Policies Flow From Money

By now most Americans have accepted that the political elite, backed by the billionaire elite, rule this country and the peasants are just along for the ride.   But it may surprise you to know that money in D.C. speaks with…

Who Owns America?

Does the U.S. Constitution make provision for the federal government’s right to take, possess, own, or control public land?  Currently, the federal government “owns” approximately 30% of the United States territory, the majority of which is out west. At issue…

Harry then, Dirty Harry now

by: the Common Constitutionalist We all, at least us conservatives, know Harry Reid is a despicable human being – assuming he is human. There seems to be no lie he won’t tell, no depth he won’t sink to in order…