Tag: Depopulation

Culling The Herd

Beware the snake oil salesman who claims he has the cure for what ails you; he just might be trying to put you out of his misery.  Brian Gibby, Intelligible Noise In the 20th century, building the future was dependent…

The Thumbprint of Crazy is Everywhere

We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis. David Rockefeller We don’t have to speculate about the fate globalists envision for those they deem disposable – they’re very open about their…

Trust God, Not Government Experiments

The latest “buzz word” from the Left is “Vaccine Hesitancy,” defining those who are “hesitant” to get the experimental gene-altering, DNA-changing injections that we’re told will keep us safe from COVID. But I have to wonder, why don’t they call us…

Therapist’s Offices Jammed!

Due to this crazy Democrat society we are living in, is it any wonder that Mental Therapists are solidly booked? So solid in fact that future appointments are no longer available no matter how frantic one has become during this…