Tag: education

Gates Foundation: For The Benefit of Mankind?

The Gates Foundation was formed in 1994 with the primary focus of enhancing healthcare and reducing poverty globally and expanded educational opportunities and access to information technology in America.   They favor the charitable model of public-private partnerships – for profit…

Common Core Quietly Implemented by Obama

Robert G. Holland – New standards for math and English called Common Core are poised to hit public schools across the nation. Some schools will begin implementing them as early as this fall, before parents have any inkling what has happened…

Meet Obama’s Mentor: Frank Marshall Davis

I’ve often heard it said that you can  know  a person by the company that he keeps.   Frank Marshall Davis could go a long way in explaining our current president. Frank Marshall Davis was a writer, poet and political extremists who was skeptical…

Obama: The Composite President

By Matthew Continetti, Washington Free Beacon The presidential race recently took a turn for the humorous when the Obama campaign reveled its latest ridiculous microsite:  “The Life of Julia.”  Visitors were treated to a web-based slide show that follows an…

When Did Parents Surrender Their Rights?

President Obama and the ACLU have joined forces to advance a new component of the pro-homosexual agenda that will impact every public school student in America.  The statement released by the White House said that “Obama is proud to support…

Cute as a Chimpanzee

Mychal Massie October 2011 on the Leno Show, Obama said, his wife thought he looked old, but that she still thinks he is cute. Well, a lot of people think chimpanzees are cute too, but they can be nasty and as…