Tag: evolution

The Mystery of Life?

No sufficient evidence exists to support the blind belief that life came from non-life, much less life that is equipped with an operating program, genetic information and the ability to reproduce itself. The fossil record proclaimed by many to be…

All Life on Earth is About to Change

Human evolution and in fact the evolution of all life on Earth is about to change because of a relatively new technology called gene drive. CRISPR/Cas9 is the current hot tool for modifying, adding or removing life on Earth.  It…

Evidence for Creation

What shapes our world outlook?  Where do ideas come from?  To what can we attribute our biases and our perspectives? Man would prefer to credit analytic thinking as the basis of our beliefs since it is the faculty that distinguishes…

Man’s Mind Is Man’s Fate

The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful thermonuclear device ever detonated, with a force 3,800 times greater than the blast that leveled Hiroshima, was tested over the Severny Island on October 30, 1961, by the Soviet Union. Had it been dropped…

Darwinism: A Hypothetical Idea

My basic argument against the Theory of Evolution is the fact that  “A Theory” is nothing short of a best guess.  It’s called a theory because noone can prove it to be a fact. For evolution to be a true science it would…

God Created Man

In today’s world, the theory of evolution, environmentalism, atheism,  social justice, and whatever man-made religion you can think of,  has become the modern-day god of the educated and the uneducated.   Science has become an enemy of Christianity by those who seek to discredit the Bible and destroy…

Orphan Genes Defy Evolution Theory

Evolutionists claim there is a bridge between man and the apes, the hypothetical [mythological] ape-like ancestor of both. But in reality, no one actually knows what a missing link is because, well, it’s missing!  We’ve never seen one. Which is…

The Missing Link is Still Missing!

In May of 2009, paleontologist Jorn Hurum, led the team that analyzed a 47 million year old fossil, dubbed Ida, which he claimed represented “the closest thing we can get to a direct ancestor.” Also among the team was Philip…

Life Is Not An Accident!

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, published in 2006, was an attempt to disprove the existence of God. To his dismay, however, the book did more to prove what a vile, contemptuous human being Dawkins actually is.  Dawkins claims the…

Disproving Darwin

Does Darwin’s theory of evolution offer a sweeping explanation of the history of life from the earliest microscopic organisms to what we see around us today? Science  knows that many of the pillars of Darwinian theory are either false or…

Science Is Not Infallible

Having read a 2012 article by Shawn Lawrence Otto of Scientific American, Antiscience Beliefs Jeopardize U.S. Democracy, I felt compelled to add my two cents. According to Otto’s article, America is slipping off its science foundation fostered by the political right.  “…Science…

Darwin’s Conundrum

Darwin struggled with a paradox.  If evolution is a struggle for survival, how could generosity, compassion, and other altruistic virtues have spread through natural selection? Even Darwin could see the clear evolutionary benefit to groups that inculcated ethical values in…

True Science Questions Evolution

Dallas’ Baylor University Medical Center surgeon  Joseph Kuhn described three serious problems with Darwinian evolution in a paper titled “Dissecting  Darwinism” for the school’s medical proceedings.  He wrote that all textbooks must teach both the strenths and weakness of evolution. The…

Did Darwin Steal The Theory of Evolution?

A common, but erroneous conclusion is that the basic idea of biological evolution was conceived by Charles Darwin as a secular, non-theistic solution to the problem of origins.  It is also frequently implied, by Darwinist, that the theory of biological…