Tag: Fake News

How to Recognize a Skunk

“Pretty kitty!” cries the toddler — as he reaches to pet the fluffy black critter with the white stripes that’s wandered into the yard. Pffffft! Some kitty! Experience teaches its lessons vividly. But when it comes to evaluating information that…

Change the Channel

If you change the channel you will change your views. Change your views and you will change your life and the life of others. You see, we live in an age of deception and betrayal as the standard modus-operandi. The…

Anti-Trump Spy Found Dead In Moscow.

Former KGB chief Oleg Erovinkin, who earlier media reports suggested was a critical contributor to an anti-Trump fake news hit piece run by Buzzfeed News and then later repeated multiple times via the Mainstream Media, was found dead last month…

Hillary’s Destructive “Fake New”

The originators of fake news are now lecturing us about fake news. Gimme a break. Where was Hillary’s concern for “innocent” people when she pushed “Fake News” about rebels in Syria and Libya by saying they were moderates when they…