Tag: global warming

John Kerry’s Confession

 At the COP-21 climate conference in Paris, John Kerry stated: “… The fact is that even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen…

Storm Troopers on Parade

Resilience – a word defined as being able to recover quickly from difficulties.  But, if the left have their way, it will mean Progressively so much more! The Rockefeller Foundation has a long history of pushing controversial Progressive ideas from…

Are Smart Meters Dangerous?

Prepare yourselves!   It is only a matter of time until Smart Grid technology invades your home.  In 2013, U.S. electric utilities had installed  51,924,502 advanced (smart) metering infrastructure (AMI), of which almost 89% were in residential homes. Smart grid technology involves…

It’s What Passes for Climate Science

A recent paper published in the journal Science by a team of researchers has finally acknowledged that the earth is no longer warming.   One of these researchers is none other than Michael Mann, the pusher of the faked hockey stick…

The Great Enrichment

In recent years the radical environmental movement has argued that we will soon run out of fossil fuels, that alternative sources of energy will price fossil fuels out of the market, and we just cannot afford the consequences of them.…

Facts, Not Fantasy!

“When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.” Alston Chase At its heart, environmentalism hates capitalism. So, to understand all the talk of global warming, climate change…

Fossil Fuels: A Non-negotiable Essential

“Anyone who cares about our environment and our climate must recognize that cheap, plentiful, reliable energy is a nonnegotiable essential.”   Alex Epstein, “The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels” Obama  describes the oil industry as a “tyranny.”  Bill McKibben claims that the…