Tag: Gun Rights

Complex Lies and Simple Truths

Life is complex. Sure, in the time of Covid you can tell everyone to stay home and starve, but they won’t do it. They won’t do it even though you’re emperor Cuomo of New York. Even with all your wealth…

You Should Carry a Concealed Firearm

Doctor John Lott is the president and one of the principal researchers at the Crime Prevention Research Center. Dr. Lott recently reminded us that guns save lives and stop mass murder. I’d forgotten about a few of these situations, though I’m sure…

We are Now Choosing Between Guns and Words

The authors of the Bill of Rights created the Second Amendment(1) for a purpose.  They wanted politicians to treat The People as equals despite the great strength of The Federal Government.  President Obama’s anti-gun proposals restrict the already weak right…

Prudent People Prepare For Chaos

It is time to face the reality that we are living in dangerous times. With an open southern border through which disease, guns, drugs, illegal aliens and terrorists are flooding, with the attempted cover up of scandals too numerous to…

The Danger in Universal Background Checks

Gun-control groups and anti-self-defense politicians are pushing for “Universal Background Checks” (UBCs) as a gun-safety measure to prevent criminals and other prohibited persons from getting firearms.  Under the UBC scheme, all gun transfers, even private gifts between friends & family,…

Planned Failure

When I was growing up, people around me — public school teachers, national and local political leaders, the broadcast and print media, other useless busybodies — were very enthusiastic about the idea of compromise. Compromise, they always said was the…

Confiscation Clock 1 Minute Closer to Midnite

Second Amendment Threat Is Growing  Blatant level of threats even without final election results increases tensions. President Trump and the nation are waiting to see the results of the Georgia election, to know who will control the U.S. Senate, and…

Is Kristallnacht Deceptive?

Too many liberals and progressives, a majority of reform Jews among them, became almost psychotic and even violent after the defeat of their anointed presidential candidate in 2016. They convinced themselves — against all evidence to the contrary — that…

Gun Sales and Private Ownership

September of 2020 was a record for both firearm sales and NICS background checks in the United States. There were 2,892,115 background checks done in September, and about 1.614 million firearm sales. The firearm sales is not a precise figure…

Biden Plans “Psych” Test for Gun Ownership

Can Presidents Ignore the Bill of Rights? His talk about AR-15 confiscation is overruled by new“character, suitability and ‘any other’ ” requirementsfor gun ownership; Second Amendment would be optional. The Bill of Rights ban on infringement would be ignored;Unelected bureaucrats…


Face the Truth: That Is the Democrat’s Plan, Go Ahead—Ask Them— “What guns do you believe Americans should be allowed to have?” * This is the bottom line, America—Democrats will ban every decent gun in private possession. That bill is…