Tag: Muslims

It Is Not About Slavery

Slavery was not only an ancient institution but an enduring one. It has existed in all civilizations from the beginning of history. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Russians, the Babylonians, etc. all had slaves and it was those slaves who built…


There are many times I find myself wishing I didn’t know what I know. Many days I wish I could just be a “normal” church-going Christian living in ignorant bliss, attending church dutifully, and not concerning myself with the outside world. I could…

“Stop Terrorizing Us!”

Terrorisim- “Government by intimidation” Oxford English dictionary Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of…


We must protect America’s future: our impressionable children. In many venues today, our precious offspring are thrown to the wolves of the imploding culture, yet it would not take much to rescue them. But America’s parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles…

Muslims Hide What They Are

Political correctness dictates that we accept the lies and deceit that Muslims spin to deflect from their true objectives, which are conquest, subjugation, and tyranny. They are quick to miscast factual history in a way that obfuscates their bloodlust. Specific…

Surveil all Mosques!

It is past time to stop pretending: Islam is determined to take over America and put us under sharia. They are working on that plan as I speak via sperm, speech, and sword. They are multiplying like rabbits while our…

“The Perfect Man” Billboard

Indianapolis Muslims are Devious, Disingenuous, or Dishonest! Muslims in Indianapolis are having a hissy fit over a billboard that reveals some facts about the life of Mohammed. I know something about Indianapolis since I lived there for 30 years. I…

Sharia: Total Control Of Your Life

In the last few days, concerned Americans across the nation have participated in “anti-sharia” protests. Those citizens have been criticized, castigated, and condemned for their “bigotry.” It seems bigotry is the word of choice when leftists can’t answer a charge…